
The Rose Weasley's avatar

Birthday: 05/05


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Official Teddy Lupin Report | 12/15/2011 12:03 am
Official Teddy Lupin
Teddy sighed. "I'm not going to fight with you Rose ... hate me if you want, it's your choice. I'm going to bed now. Goodbye."
Official Teddy Lupin Report | 12/14/2011 1:45 pm
Official Teddy Lupin
"You don't mean that Rose ... I know you better than that."
Official Teddy Lupin Report | 12/14/2011 1:32 pm
Official Teddy Lupin
Teddy replied. "Don't hate me ... I need you in my life ok?"
Official Teddy Lupin Report | 12/14/2011 1:06 pm
Official Teddy Lupin
Teddy couldn't stand that Rose had gotten off the phone with him, while being so upset with him. He quickly dialed her back.
Official Teddy Lupin Report | 12/13/2011 7:45 pm
Official Teddy Lupin
Teddy sighed. "Rose I know what a lot of my relatives were like ok?! You don't have to try so hard to remind me how evil my bloodline has been in the past ... I came here thinking I'd get turned away, but I still wanted to meet them, at least once ... Draco surprised me when he said that I belonged with them, that he hadn't stayed out of my life because he hated me or anything ... he hadn't been involved with me because before today he didn't even know I existed ... so stop hating on him so much, just because you're mad at him for being with your mom ... you know, have you ever stopped to look at your mother? she's truly happy with Draco ... Yes I'm sorry for your dad, but geez Rose! Hermione and Draco have loved each other since they were like 12! ... can you imagine how painful it was for them to hold back their feelings for each other for so many years, watching each other marry other people, and have kids with other people ... it must have been horrible for them both."
Official Teddy Lupin Report | 12/13/2011 9:53 am
Official Teddy Lupin
Teddy frowned. "Rose I do care about Harry and all my adopted family, but I really want to get to know my birth family too ... I wish you wouldn't try to guilt me when you know what this means to me ... and I've already been having a rough few months since Victorie and I broke up ... I'll still be involved with Harry's family, but I want to live with my mother's family now."
Official Teddy Lupin Report | 12/12/2011 2:32 pm
Official Teddy Lupin
(((ooc- Hmm well I know this is the year after Teddy graduated, cause I'm saying he's 18, how old do you want to say Rose is?)))

Teddy seemed hesitant to tell his big news, but he had always felt a close connection to Rose so he wanted to call and tell her first. "Guess what Rosie ... I have news ... News that I'm both really excited about, and nervous about at the same time ...... Well, you know how a kid only gets sent to live with godparents if the kid has no living relatives to take them in? ... Well I met some of my mother's relatives today and ... Draco, Narcissa, and Scorpius seem pretty nice ... Draco wants me to live with his family in Malfoy Manor ... That's where I am tonight ...... See big news!" He said with a nervous laugh. He was hoping Rose wouldn't be disappointed in him, but rather happy for him. She knew how much he had always wished to know some of his biological family.
Official Teddy Lupin Report | 12/11/2011 10:54 pm
Official Teddy Lupin
Around 8 p.m. one night, Rose heard her cell phone ringing. It was Teddy.
Aquila Narcissa Black Report | 11/30/2011 11:15 pm
Aquila Narcissa Black
(((ooc- Great Rose profile ^ ^ )))

About Rosie.

Rose Weasley.

Bloody hell!

Rose "Rosie" Weasley (born 2006) was a half-blood witch and the daughter of Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger. She had a younger brother named Hugo who was born about two years after her. She began attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 2017, the same time as Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy, and, being a Weasley, would have been Sorted into Gryffindor.

Official Hermione Granger

R/L acount.


Older Me.

Me with my family.

Me and Hugo.

Me when I am in Hogwarts.

Weasley Family.

Grandma and
Grandpa Weasley.

Grandma and Grandpa Granger.