
I do not add people that don't like talking.
So, if you don't like talking on Skype/Phone, getting to know each other and becoming actual friends who actually interact with one another, don't bother speaking to me. I don't like to waste my time on fake people. Happened too many times in the past.

You know who you are.


The Grim Archer on 07/20/2022

1x1 RP Search thread

Summary of the siege?

>C.J. "Siege" McCormick
>Sarcastic as ******** to talk a lot.
>Loves Yandere Girls
>And Legend of Zelda.

Wish List

The Siege xD

To anyone wondering: I've been behind on my replies because of real life obligations. If you're still interested in RP'ing, and I owe you a response, please let me know.