The Spirit Sage

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Gender: Female

Location: Gerudo Valley

Occupation: Sage of Spirit, Second-in-command of the Gerudo


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Nabooru of the Gerudo

Titles: Second in command of the Gerudo, Sage of Spirit
Homeland: Hyrule
Race: Gerudo
Age: Unknown
Hair: Red
Eyes: Golden yellow

A beautiful desert thief, Nabooru is second-in-command of the entire Gerudo tribe, second only to their king, Ganondorf. Though she serves as his subordinate, she is disgusted by the atrocities he has committed and resolves to fight against him any way that she can. As a child, Link first meets her in the Desert Colossus. Noting his small frame, she promises him a great reward if he will make his way through a tiny crawlspace and retrieve the Silver Gauntlets for her. With these, she intends to steal the hidden treasure for herself and make further trouble for his followers. But before she can receive the gauntlets from young Link, she is captured by Twinrova and brainwashed for the next seven years.

After this time has passed and Link returns as an adult, he is reunited with Nabooru. Only this time, she is in the guise of an Iron Knuckle. Koume and Kotake (Twinrova) have been hard at work, brainwashing her into service for the dark side. Link must fight and defeat Nabooru in this form; afterward, the witches engage in their own battle with him, only to be defeated themselves. With the Spirit Temple completed, Nabooru is thus able to awaken as the Sage of Spirit and presents him with the Spirit Medallion.


Initially, Nabooru might seem somewhat haughty, a tad selfish and a bit of a "tough guy". Of course, she is addressing Link in his child form, with no knowledge of who he is or where he has come from. Indeed, she is entirely ready to employ him for a dangerous task, retrieving the Silver Gauntlets from deep within the Spirit Temple. And seems to do so with little regard for his safety. But all of this is excusable: it comes from a person who is now a "lone wolf".

Nabooru has expressed dismay and disgust at the wickedness of her king, and has resolved herself to oppose him in every and any way that she is able to do so. Her sarcasm and attitude speak volumes about someone who is conflicted within herself. While she has made up her mind to fight against Ganondorf and his followers, she probably worries about the consequences for the rest of her people. Such revolutions are almost never bloodless. Suffice to say, Nabooru is a prime example of "rough around the edges, warm-hearted on the inside". The toughness she exudes may be a way to reassure herself in times of such uncertainty.



View All Comments

Zeynia Report | 12/10/2010 9:09 am
Impressive cosplay ~<3
Zordiana Report | 06/11/2010 1:16 pm
-tackle hugs-
i found you~~
(this is midna by the way)
Azure-Eyes Silva Report | 06/01/2010 4:46 am
I don't care about looks vhen it comes to Poke'mon, frauline. > w>;
Pusays Report | 05/27/2010 4:07 pm
Hey. Let's go to towns
Pusays Report | 05/26/2010 11:49 pm
Refresh towns, you got lost in the dead server.
Pusays Report | 05/26/2010 11:26 pm
Pusays Report | 05/26/2010 10:44 pm
Pusays Report | 05/26/2010 3:52 pm
6 b 1023
Odalisk Report | 05/26/2010 1:10 pm
    [ Agreed. Gerudos > Every other Zelda race. 3nodding ]
Beinion Lhach-Ore Report | 05/26/2010 8:27 am
[Omg, I did for rlz??? : o!!! Yay me!]



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