
my name is ......................... ( not telling)
so I am 13

i LOVE heart
-making friends
-random comments
-my REAL friends heart

-mean and rude people
-the colour gray and pink
-when i don't have enough gold to buy what i want

So yea...... that's about it

Thanx for reading!!!! heart



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Fancy cutie pie 12

Report | 08/13/2010 10:17 am

Fancy cutie pie 12

biggrin biggrin biggrin

Report | 03/23/2010 10:40 pm


hi ^.^ How have you been?
Sam Oaken Willow 17

Report | 03/12/2010 9:27 pm

Sam Oaken Willow 17

happy b-day!!

Report | 02/01/2010 8:53 pm


lol thanks. Your is cool as well. wink
Fancy cutie pie 12

Report | 01/31/2010 7:04 am

Fancy cutie pie 12

same biggrin I think........
Fancy cutie pie 12

Report | 01/31/2010 7:04 am

Fancy cutie pie 12


Report | 01/28/2010 12:27 pm


lol yea. I think everyone has bad memery at times. But I have a very very bad one. lol But yea. I love my note book. smile hehe

Report | 01/24/2010 2:37 pm


lol yea, I dont know why but soon, I'll need a note book for just gaia friends and write about each friend I have in my note book so that I can remember. lol I have a poor memorry unless I save at least the last conversation that we had,.

Report | 01/21/2010 3:38 pm


lol yea, I get someone who buys something from my store once every other week sometimes. But yea, it is hard to make sure I say hi to everyone. I would like it if u would do that for me. I just hate not hearing from no one in a long time. Then I forget what we were talking about. lol

Report | 01/20/2010 4:58 pm


lol yea, im glad to. I try to at least say hi once a week to everyone on mt list to keep up. But im getting to much friends to keep up with them. lol xd But yea, I spend to much lol and I hate it when my computer is slow cuz it wont let me do any booty grabs or games.. so im stuck down to 3,000 gold. lol I wish people would start buying my stuff from my store. xd


heart heart I love random comments heart heart

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