
Hello, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages! I am pleased to introduce myself as the one, the only, mysterious person whose true name is never shared online! Bwahahahaha! My alias is "Cat", yes, that is what I am known as! I have been supceptable to hackings throughout my Gaia carreer, and have now decided that this account will be my final. Plus, changing my username had just gotten so darn expensive. I recieved this fairly new account from a friend of mine that goes by "Amber Lauren Heard", I do so believe, and she has assured me that all will go well! I do, however have a slightly embarrasing disclaimer: my birthday is not, in fact, the one on my profile, but March 31! I am aged young enough to be prettiful and wear lots of eyeliner, but not too young, as I do indeed not look like a plank of wood. But, really, lets give those planks of wood a hand!

My previous account name was Cup Cakes With Fish, and I pride myself on being the leader of the not so prestigious Cup Cake Clan! Bo ha ha ha! I enjoy role plays, but am never on enough to actually participate in one for a long period of time. Sad face inserted here. But, I will try my best if I find one that I can completely devote my heart, soul, and manga collection too! Well, maybe not hte last part...

In any case, I will be sure to hop on every once in a while and jot down a few! Until the, au revoir, chow, adios, and mananas! Curse my computer for not letting me type out all the fun, foreign marks and squigglies...

And here is my Dream Avi!
To all those who will help me in my quest, I LOVE YOU!!!! biggrin DDDD

User Image
Total Value: 2,049,853 Gold, 13,000 Tickets
[Item Information]

Item List:
Reindeer Slippers
Khaki Short Shorts
Classilke 2nd Gen.
Young Mrs. Claus' Garter
Carlos the Alpaca
The Lusty Scoundrel
Momoiro Chugakko Uniform Scarf
Long Drag


Viewing 12 of 26 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 03/26/2012 9:05 am


Hello there, I am very interested in your Zodiacals, however, I only have 1/3 of the money to buy one. Fortunately, art is my money source, so I was wondering if you'd like some waist-up arts for some of your Zodiacals.
Samples: x x
Despised Freak

Report | 02/05/2012 10:45 am

Despised Freak

Good day to you chap!
Despised Freak

Report | 12/11/2011 8:59 pm

Despised Freak

love ur avi, could u give me a list of wat ur wearing plz?

Report | 06/11/2011 7:55 pm


you should look me up on youtube -- DEARZinHEADlights. : )

I b awesome.

Report | 06/11/2011 7:39 pm


I'm in enough group rps as it is -- I just got my Mythological Banquet ( based off of one of the Supernatural episodes ) off the ground, and it already has a few people in it. Trying to get people to join my Super Smash role play . . . I'm in the 152 page of my Underland / Wonderland role play ( it's going REALLY well -- the big war is coming up, be we can always use new people! ). Hn . . . I'm in need to post in this KH role play . . . and there's a hiatus in another group role play . . .

and I'm . . . in two 1 x 1s . . . but I can always add more 1 x 1s.

and I'm in love with this guy . . . has the smexy voice!

Report | 06/11/2011 7:23 pm


ah . . . we had a 1 x 1 . . . that went down hill. Want to do a HP 1 x 1? or just a wizard one?

Report | 06/11/2011 7:07 pm


um . . . what was ur name????????????

Report | 06/09/2011 10:49 am


yay! ty~~ heart
Waltz of Madness

Report | 04/12/2011 11:06 pm

Waltz of Madness

sorry towns cut off on me >.<

Report | 03/31/2011 10:12 pm


Its okay Cat because I have GOOD news!

I talked to my dad last night about it, I wouldn't be able to go to the sleep over anyways BUUUUUUT!!! 8D

I talked him over into sleeping over your house AFTER we go to Kawaii Kon TOGETHER!!!