The Wolves Angel

The Wolves Angel's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 11/03

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Hi there! It's been a little while since I was last on here, thought it would be nice to pop back on here for a bit. For those of you who I've just met or are going to meet, my name is Rose and I look forward to getting to know you.

Avi art.
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By Pocket Savior, My Lady Friend. ^_^


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RavingProductions Report | 01/21/2024 7:54 am
I am, thanks, same with you! heart
RavingProductions Report | 12/29/2023 7:17 am
hope you're doing okay! heart
RavingProductions Report | 11/03/2022 9:11 am
Happy birthday!
RavingProductions Report | 04/07/2022 7:04 pm
No worries! I know the struggle, but I always try to reply every few days in between or make a status update.
RavingProductions Report | 04/03/2022 10:10 pm
I'm sure we'll work something out, but if all else fails, I won't force you or anything.

I kinda suck on RP'ing. I even ask myself if I did anything wrong during it and odds are, people flat out refuse to tell me what's wrong, even if I try to change things. So while it's severely rusty, I'm hoping to make further improvements in the future.
RavingProductions Report | 04/02/2022 10:52 pm
It's kinda the same as RP'ing in forums and PMs, but they'll only let you write with a limited amount of letters. So you have to send multiple paragraphs.

IDK, I don't have an issue with it, considering that I have two other partners on there.
RavingProductions Report | 03/31/2022 9:47 pm
No worries! I don't mind doing RPs in Discord. It's all up to you. smile
RavingProductions Report | 03/31/2022 9:19 pm
Yes, I have. Done it, but had partners that are inactive for months on end, so I don't wanna complain about it. I mean, it's life
RavingProductions Report | 03/30/2022 11:10 pm
Doing okay. Just hanging in there due to allergies sweatdrop
RavingProductions Report | 03/29/2022 9:11 pm
how's life treating you?