
I See You Found Your Way In

My Life and Past is both Horrible and bewildering with Sadness and grief. Weather i care you like it or not is not up to me.
I choose not to care if you don't like it or not. I
choose not to say my real name.
I choose not to force anything apon you but my blade.
And I choose to end my dear shatterd of a life on this very page.

A horrible nuclear waste had been poured into the local colorado lake..A scientist who has gone to far..And a "Normal" girl, Who just wants the voices to stop. The Danmed Kris Marie In the late 1980's, A horrible nuclear poisoning had been spilled into the lake. It had lasted for about four weeks until scientists found out in one week ahead and came to the lake, Taking samples of the water to the lab. Experimating it, On human subjetcs. The first human subjects ever tested had been john and anna. there last names classified, due to goverment officials. The lab had been permitaly banned since 1966, and reopend 1977, since founding son of the scientist Dr.Von smith, had gave the contract to the lab, To his son, William Von Smith. William von smith studied at yale, In those years since he had been given the lab, as soon as he had heard about the spillings, he wanted to test specificaly on how it whould effect human test subjects. The tests went horribly wrong, After that night as william von smith and his assistant forced Anna and john into the lab forcing them in chairs and watch hours apon hours of shows. But after Anna and joh were forced to watch the mind blowing madness, William von smith, droped some of the nuclear waste into there eyes and mouths, Contracting there eyes to be wide and freakishly happy, aswell as the mouth. The tests wnet wrong, after william von smith saw how freakisly happy and none feeling the subjects had become. After shutting down the factory during 1981, William von smith was imprisoned for none illegal use of human testing, On june 6th 1999. Some pictures of the tests subjects have been found, Doris Mendesse Subject number 222 The wereabouts of Anna and John, Are unknown some say after the lab had been shut down, The couple fled into the states of colorado, and have said to have a house there now, Living in residence there, possibly living there lives best they can after the horrible incident.


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~The Insanity Within~

The Danmed Kris Marie

Why I Even Live At All



Viewing 10 of 17 comments.


Report | 04/02/2010 7:09 pm


I love how people comment with the intention to get you either mad, happy, or to show some sort of emotion. When you already have none XD
Spike Shadows

Report | 03/04/2010 6:12 pm

Spike Shadows

Hmm, you don't seem to like keeping your mouth shut very much do you, you should learn your place underling, before it's too late.......far too late.
Spike Shadows

Report | 12/13/2009 7:47 pm

Spike Shadows

Your insolence is becoming most unpleasant, get out of my sight before I make quick work of you Peasant.
Spike Shadows

Report | 08/27/2009 7:39 pm

Spike Shadows

Ah, another pretentious waste, No matter...I shall dispose of you as easily as I do all my victims, quick and very painful....
Vexin Sakura

Report | 11/13/2008 11:01 am

Vexin Sakura


Report | 08/25/2008 2:16 pm


Lolz XD. Np =D.

Report | 08/04/2008 8:27 pm


I do

Report | 08/04/2008 4:42 pm


Dont expect me to get attached

Report | 08/04/2008 12:26 pm


Try me. Ive been through some uh stuff to in my life.

Report | 08/04/2008 10:12 am


whys that?


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Love Is Murder