Hellos biggrin (This is really out dated btw I made this when I was 19 so I wanna keep it as an memory! ^^)

I'm Brandon Or Bra for short. I'm 19 years of age. Live in London and went to a music college in Brighton, but now going doing a Music production and sound engineer.

I'm happy a lot and like to make others around me happy as well.
I play guitar and make music, right now I'm not making much music because of college, so haven't put anything out yet. ^^;;

I love talking and just being around people, I use skype and kik a lot more than gaia (skype name - bbm6155/ Kik name - TheBRAAA) and I love going on skype calls because I like to use my voice a lot more than typing. ^^;;
I have dyslexia so I ******** up when typing or spelling. >.<

Well if you want to find out more just be my friend I'm to lazy to do this. x.x

Hope to see you soon! (^u^)/