
Hey! Just an average girl here, trying to make friends and get by in the world. And yes, as you can see I am obssesed with cherry blossoms, they're stunning!!! They also stand for love and femine beauty in the language of the herbs.

I'm a pretty nice girl once you get to know me. And i'm not the prettiest either, thats for sure, the only girl I think is the prettiest is Ai, and she's only 13, but that's beside the point I think think that you would like her better than me, I tend to tell a lie from time to time, sorry. If you didn't know that already and i've talked to you chances are, yeah, i've lied but at least i'm telling you the truth at the moment. And just for the record I like people with attitude.

But anyway, I am an anime fan! My favorite of all is Naruto. Anyway, i'm not going to tell you everything about myself here, if you want to know more talk to me or talk to my best friend, her screen name is Ai Tamakina, she is the coolest and we have so~ much in common!!!


Viewing 7 of 7 friends


Sakurabana Keikoku

(Sakurabana= cherry blossom - Keikoku= beauty) Well this is just going to be my journal. I'll write what ever I feel like in it, what ever happens in it. Don't think it's gonna be boring. It's not, I can assure you that. My life is an interesting



Viewing 4 of 4 comments.


Report | 11/25/2007 2:55 pm


Hmm, do you hate Megan as much as I do? Because she is just a total b***h! She actually thinks that she looks better than all the other girls, she is annoying and Abbey said that she was the ugliest girl!! And I agree, if she would change her attitude maybe she would have some friends and I actually thought she was pretty decent, NO she is vain, self-centered, mean, and she is a total whore! She will never be a true cherry blossom.
Crazy Lucian

Report | 11/19/2007 6:56 pm

Crazy Lucian

Hey, what's up? I know I haven't been on in like forever, but like my Ai-sama, I thought you were actually decent unlike many people on here. Let's talk, girlie!!!

Report | 11/19/2007 6:52 pm


Hmm, you seem like an interesting girl. And I love your screenname, cherry blossoms are just stunning, well that's my opinion of course. I think I'll call you Sakura from now on, that okay with you, CherryBlossom-Chan? Much love from your friends's mistress, cha! User Image

Report | 10/28/2007 4:30 pm


try this out! Send this to at least 10 people and then press F5! You'll get 10,000 gold


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