
Hi there, I'm Darren but my friends call me Dran. I am 21 years old and currently studying history at Lakehead University. I have been an on and off user of Gaia since 04-05. This is my 4th account because of repeated hacks so if you older users remember "Themindfreak" "Darren_lapointe" or "Dran345" than those were me. I play a lot of video games, love anime and manga and am a pop culture addict. I have no preference in the media I indulge in and will listen/watch/play essentially anything and am open to any suggestions people have for me. I like to talk to people so feel free to drop me a message if you feel like it.


Thought's from my lap

Thing I have to say about anything really.


Viewing 3 of 3 comments.

Mini Chris Nyan

Report | 12/25/2011 11:56 pm

Mini Chris Nyan

Oh hey, thanks. blaugh
maggie being maggie

Report | 12/25/2011 10:22 pm

maggie being maggie

Thank yoiu! heart

Report | 01/18/2007 4:10 am


You be Darren.


I have a blog about gaming and gaming culture, you should check it out!