
I'd planned on putting up something here as a notice but I haven't gotten around to writing something up. So I'm basically going without a script.

This is Sahiah. Sara gave me the PW to her account a while ago. She didn't leave me any last requests. She told me she'll miss everyone. I'm sorry for not informing everyone immediately, yet I figured that most of her friends had just assumed she wasn't coming back.

I don't piddle around on her account 24/7. For the most part, I've left the thing alone, pw & all, just in case she returns (yet this is something I doubt.

Her reasons for leaving were to get back out in life b/c she's addicted to the internet. If any of you knew her well you'd know that her mom was monitoring her emails or w/n. Some of them were even deleted.

Jerry seems to think she's left cuz she wanted to get away from all the crap (paraphrasing here). Is that something to believe now that she's not coming back? Idk. It doesn't really matter now, does it?

I'm sorry Sara didn't think to give everyone some closure on the matter, and I'm sorry as well for being selfish. Just remember the good ole days and be done with it.

Sorry for rambling as well.


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Hello =] Yess, that'd be me.
I'm Sara.
Hello, nice to meet you(yadayadaandwhatnot).
There's not much to know about me, other than I value my friends more than life its self.
Music is my life, I'd seriously consider not living if deprived of it.
I'm a Christian. Let me elaborate before you click off, in fear I may shove religion down your throat.
I'm a struggling Christian.
I dont make good choices, and I dont say the right things. But I belive there's a God, and I belive I'm saved by Him.
And thank goodness for it, because I need Him.
If you have any questions on the matter, ask. But dont hate. Got it? Because then I'll show you not how to be a follower of God =X

My friends are my family. Even if we're not blood related, I love them all like brothers and sisters. But not the kind you fight with, the kind you never want to stop talking to. Mess with them, you mess with me.

I love;;
(Some) family.
The colors black and white.
Avi art(QUESTING).
And lots of other things I can't think of.

I hate;;
Britney Spears.
No0b-ish attitudes.
My cellular device.
Being treated like I'm 6 by adults.
Not being taken seriously.
Illiterate RPing.
Judgmental people.
People that are WAY too happy.


I have an attitude.
Dont mess. K?
We can be good friends.
Or enemies.
I could always use another friend, but if you choose to hate.
Your loss, love.


User Image
-Magical Shovel


Viewing 12 of 85 friends



RPCs =0 Maybe a poem here and there ^^



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Magical Shovel

Report | 02/18/2011 7:36 am

Magical Shovel

I just wanted to say "Happy Birthday" even though you may not check this. :c I hope everyything's going swell for you.

Report | 02/11/2011 6:02 pm


Oy, you say you're going to be on more but I haven't seen you?! What about a reply to my PM?! D:
Yuu Okono

Report | 05/23/2010 10:08 pm

Yuu Okono

-sigh- I miss my Sawa T^T Miss my BFF/lil sister -huggle- I hope you're okay
Yuu Okono

Report | 03/23/2010 4:12 pm

Yuu Okono

-hugs- God I miss you Sara crying It's been so long since we talked
Crystal Snowtiger

Report | 03/21/2010 8:22 pm

Crystal Snowtiger

you're back!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i missed you ^-^ meow :3
Magical Shovel

Report | 02/26/2010 7:04 pm

Magical Shovel

Happy Belated Birthday. D: I miss you. It's Inu. You remember me, right? What happened? We never talk anymore. We all miss you.
Crystal Snowtiger

Report | 02/18/2010 9:21 pm

Crystal Snowtiger

and NO!!! you can't grow another inch T-T
clings onto your leg* then i'll become a chibi munchkin mini fairy elf queen
Yuu Okono

Report | 02/18/2010 8:59 am

Yuu Okono

-hugs- Happy Birthday Sawa.
Yuu Okono

Report | 02/03/2010 1:11 pm

Yuu Okono

-huggles- I miss you imouto-chan T-T
And in other news, in two years I hope to have moved out of SC and all the way to OR <<
Crystal Snowtiger

Report | 01/28/2010 4:35 pm

Crystal Snowtiger

pokes you*
I miss you T-T


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