
TheTrueShado's avatar

Registered: 12/16/2007



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You know, one of these days, I'm gonna type up this section and get something I like...

Anyways, about me. I'm a 21 year old guy that lives in Salem, Oregon, possibly one of the most boring towns that a minor can live in... thankfully that doesn't apply to me anymore. Though, the lack of money pretty much says I'm still screwed, so hey...

What's Gaia to me? It's a place to hang out, meet new friends, and ultimately blow free time when I'm bored... which is pretty much anytime I'm online. I've met more friends through this site than I care to count, and a few (for better or worse) turned out to be more than that. I've been here since somewhere around the end of '04, but still consider myself to be a less-than-average user - this account isn't even 3 years old yet, and it's just BARELY nearing 1mil gold (A few of these items aren't technically mine...)

My friends. Ah, how do I begin to explain? Well, without divulging too much personal information, my friends range from people irl that I talk to on a daily basis, to people that I talked to once, added, and never even looked at again. There are people that I've never met, people I'm trying to meet, and people that I would pay to never come near me. You know which category you fall into.

...and then there was me. I'm a friendly enough guy, as long as I get to know you first. I'm quick to strike up a conversation if I'm bored enough, so by all means, do not be afraid of me. However, if you say something that I take offense to, I'll do one of two things - either I'll tell you, or I'll just flat out ignore you. Mainly depends on my mood at the time. I have a couple different mannerisms that tend to show up online, the major ones being the use of ellipses ("..."), and the other being my tendency to use emotes... a lot. ESPECIALLY in cards, there are times when I'll put smileys after everything I say. I'm trying to work on that, but old habits die hard.

The other major thing to know about me is that I'm a Magic: The Gathering nut. I spend almost as much time on this game as I do on Gaia, if not more. My main forte is EDH, mainly because I don't have the money to keep up with standard these days, but I do try to attend my FNM on a weekly basis. I also consider myself to be fairly knowledgeable on the rules of the game (note: Rules of the GAME, not floor rules or anything like that), so if you have a rulings question that you can't quite find out, please don't be afraid to shoot me a PM - I won't promise a speedy answer, but I'll get to it as soon as I can. Adversely, you can also go to They tend to be my major reference point for everything Magic - if you look closely, you might even be able to find yours truly! ;D

So... yeah, I think that about sums me up in a nutshell. I finally managed to re-add my playlist to my profile here, so if there's a song you want me to add, or if you happen to run across a dead link, please send me a message and let me know. Thanks! ^-^

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misamisia Report | 07/24/2012 1:56 am
No power in the verse can stop me.

You live in Salem and play edh? Do I know you? Did you ever play at Borderlands?

CutePrincessBaby Report | 12/26/2010 2:55 pm
Saw you in the forums, and just wanted to say nice signature. It made me laugh. I hate Twilight.
phoenix of japan Report | 09/07/2010 9:21 am
phoenix of japan
yo! cards, my room, now!! >;O
Windlea of the YamiYakuza Report | 09/06/2010 10:28 am
Windlea of the YamiYakuza
Hey up for some cards? : o
phoenix of japan Report | 08/31/2010 11:06 am
phoenix of japan
what are you doing not in my room?
phoenix of japan Report | 08/30/2010 10:43 am
phoenix of japan
heyyyyyy are you still unable to do cards?
phoenix of japan Report | 08/28/2010 6:56 pm
phoenix of japan
aww i missed you again D:
phoenix of japan Report | 08/27/2010 12:37 pm
phoenix of japan
are you still on D: i decided to go take a shower while i was waiting for my bro to finish his game
phoenix of japan Report | 08/27/2010 10:19 am
phoenix of japan
get in mah room!!
phoenix of japan Report | 08/26/2010 12:19 am
phoenix of japan
whoops xD anime sidetracked me, i'm in my own room now smile
phoenix of japan
Windlea of the YamiYakuza
V a l e n t i n e J a c k
Nightshade Flowers