TheUnknownFactor's avatar


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      General info:

      Registered: April 1st, 2004
      Location: Netherlands
      Birth Date: February 11
      Occupation: Web Developer
      Hobbies: (PC) Gaming, CG Art, Discussion

      Gender: Male
      Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
      Ethnicity: Dutch (white)
      Height: 5'10 (1.77m)
      Weight: 156lb (71kg)
      Eye color: Gray / Brown
      Hair color: Brown
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      About me:

      So now it's just you and me ninja
      No, but really. Hi. My alias here is TheUnknownFactor, You can call me TUF, Unknown, Factor, or really any variation- I'm pretty sure I'll pick up on it; I've even been called Tuffy, Unky (Yeah, seriously), and various other similar nicknames. If you want to know my real name, get to know me.

      I've been a gaian since early 2004, which means that- yes, I am indeed older than 14. It however doesn't mean that I'm dirty rich; I used to be, but then I had a giant give away (More on that in the gold section). So yeah, I'm 25 years old- but no, I'm not *****.

      Through my time on Gaia I've had large periods of inactivity separated by generally short-ish periods of activity. When I'm active you can generally find me in the Chatterbox. Yes, for the most part the chatterbox is kind of a big heap of s**t and trolls- but it's also a place with a huge diversity of people, opinions and topics. What can I say? I like diversity.

      What else... Well, I like things to make sense. I like math, science, programming, reasonable discussion and the like. I'm generally less fond of things that seem to make no sense (Well, aside from women). I can be pretty phylosophical, and generally simply enjoy putting my mind to work. In a discussion I try to always understand the other parties perspective, knowing and understanding their perspective can help me either adjust my own perspective, or provide better arguments against theirs. Also, when I find that I am actually wrong in a discussion, I admit it. People often seem to insist on being right even after they already know they're wrong- I guess they're trying to safe face, frankly I think you can safe face a lot more by acknowledging when you're wrong.

      Okay so, I think that's about it for this section.
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      As it says in general and data, I joined Gaia back in 2004. Initially I started in the chatterbox, but I've also dabbled in the Q&A / Q&F forums, and been a regular of what was at the time called the "AT" (Avatar Talk) forum. You might also know me from the zOMG forum, I've been there too- however that was pretty recently.

      During my early days on gaia, I had a signature shop called DynaSig. Oldbe's might remember it, but the basic premise was that it was essentially a PHP script generated image that allowed people to leave a message inside your signature. I made some very decent gold, and had every monthly collectable and event item that was introduced between November '03 and June '05. After June '05, I stopped trying to collect all items- but still kept my collection.

      Despite having a lot of items, and despite the fact that I was an AT regular, I was never someone to change my avatar on a very regular basis; and I never really quested much either. I've always liked giving things away, and still do.

      I have not hugely changed my avatar since June '05. Though the avatar used to have a couple more items and tan skin (Used to have golden laurels, winged anklets, fairy wings), the core of the avatar has remained pretty much the same. The last change to the avatar was made at the Halloween event of 2005, where I got my zombie skin (Yes, the skin is an original).

      Ever since then, I have kind of been on and off from Gaia, periods of activity separated by times of inactivity. I don't generally go inactive just out of the blue, if I'm talking to you one day you can expect me to be talking to you the next.
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      As it says in my history, I haven't actually changed my avatar since 2005. I also don't buy items for myself, since that'd be pointless. Which generally means that any gold I get through posting, browsing, zOMG or Bootygrab (Or whatever else) will end up being donated to others (Though on very rare occasion I might purchase some art).

      I like donating to other people, to friends, to people I randomly come across. I might give you a donation for any number of reasons, it might be because I simply like your avatar, it could be because I think you make a good point, because I find you friendly, because you're making a serious effort towards a quest without making a point of saying this in every post you make- or really just because I felt like it.

      However, if you'd like to receive a donation, there is one thing you absolutely need to not do. Do not ask for a donation. If you ask for a donation, even if you're a friend- I am unlikely to give you anything at all. Sorry, I feel that gifts should be spontaneous, if they're not than it's no longer a friendly gesture- it's just a fullfilling social burdon. Asking for a donation will not only not result in me giving you something, it results in it becoming vastly less likely that I would ever give you anything.
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      Role Playing:

      I enjoy role playing, however I'm not a huge fan of group-forum-roleplaying. This is because in a group setting, it often happens that 2 people respond to one thing with things that are not compatible / could not both have happened. When I do roleplay in a forum thread, I prefer to see each person which I interact with as a separate role-play. This generally works, however it is sometimes confusing for people who don't realize what I'm doing- aswell as some people not wanting to share someone's attention with someone else. I sometimes carry over roleplays to private messages, both for conveniance and privacy; and yes I may occasionally do "that kind of roleplaying".

      Although I can be a romantic person, I strongly dislike role-playing romance. This is because, when there are no genuine feelings towards that person, any romantics seem to lose their value. What is the point of walking a thousand miles for someone, when the reaction from that person does not actually provide you with a thousand butterflies? Contrary to this, I feel comradery, friendship, rivalry, lust, greed, and wit- or similar relationsships do more frequently result in getting the reaction that you were hoping for.

      I do not often roleplay a fight, there are 3 reasons for this. First, I hate people who have decided before any fight has taken place that they are more powerful than you (And generally more powerful than everyone else- I hate you, God modders). Second, I don't tend to instigate much of anything- or atleast I try not to. And third, when I do have a conflict, my personality is such that I prefer to solve that conflict verbally. With that said however, I do enjoy a good fight, with emphasis on good. A fight that goes back and forth, a fight in which both characters have both strengths and weaknesses- a fight where not every action is met with a response along the lines of "I saw that coming and dodged" or "it does not hurt".

      When it comes to literacy- I don't demand perfection, however I do have standards. I myself am dyslectic and English is my second language- despite those things I can still write coherent English and I expect you to also make yourself understandable. If I have to read your message three times to realize what you're trying to say, I probably won't have much will to respond to you. In terms of message length, opening messages will often be long- however when past the opening I typically resort to shorter messages. This is for two reasons, one- I simply can't write 3 paragraphs with every message, and two- I believe that shorter messages will allow the roleplay to maintain a higher level of interactivity.

      Above I mentioned that I sometimes do "that kind of roleplaying", referring to mature themed roleplays. I do avoid mature themed roleplays with underaged people- sorry, I'm sure you are an excellent roleplayer- and you might roleplay a mature character effortlessly and convincingly- however I would kind of like not being thrown in jail. In terms of what themes I enjoy, the most important thing to note is that both romance and myself being dominant do not suit me- I am generally more submissive and do not enjoy being dominant. Beyond that however, I am very open-minded; I don't mind furry or similar fantasy characters and have actually enjoyed some 'vore' roleplays. Similarly I am open to many fetishes, s/m, bondage, toy-play, and frankly a lot more- you should probably PM me to see if I would be interested in a particular topic.
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      Contact info:

      You can always send me a private message or leave me a comment- chances are I'll respond within a relatively short period of time (Usually less than a day).

      Other than PM/comments; I use MSN and Skype primarily, however can also be contacted over AIM, Google talk or Yahoo! I do sometimes use Meebo, however Meebo is buggy as crap so sometimes I disable it. If you'd like my contact information for any one of these, let me know.


View All Comments

bblee123 Report | 06/14/2012 11:01 pm
hello!! ^o^ how are you?? biggrin
WhyDoYouLieToMe1369 Report | 08/18/2011 12:29 pm
;.; LIES! I posted that days ago! you never some and hug meeeeee...
WhyDoYouLieToMe1369 Report | 08/11/2011 1:37 pm
-=glomps=- i miss you ;.;
Sinacious Report | 07/03/2011 6:09 pm
It's weirddddd.
Sinacious Report | 06/29/2011 8:35 pm
What the ********, you changed your avi.
ur mom last night Report | 06/28/2011 7:20 am
ur mom last night
get on yo knees on a stool
lovevampires101 Report | 06/23/2011 1:22 pm
Ah, I'm sorry, I assumed college since over here there's graduate school/earning higher degrees. My bad.
Is your work fun?
lovevampires101 Report | 06/23/2011 12:29 pm
I usually leave mine on, saving big for a giant quest for a dream avi (although I probably wouldn't know what to do after I achieve it.)
It's summer vacation for me so I've been spending a bit more time now, trying to reconnect with old friends.

Is it also summer vacation for you? Or not yet/don't have one?
lovevampires101 Report | 06/23/2011 12:23 pm
You changed your avatar xD
How have you been btw? I haven't been too active for a while on gaia and haven't talked with a lot of friends.
HM01 Report | 06/23/2011 8:17 am
haha! that's awesome cool
we can go back to my TM92 and use TM69
it's hard to make these make sense since the TMs get switched around so much from each gen,
but I've been cheating and using this list


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