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thewaitingtree's avatar

Registered: 01/29/2004

Gender: Female

Location: the great wide somewhere

Birthday: 12/22

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User Image by oheyitsbread 4/20/17

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From MemoriesofGreen Oct 2016 <3

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from Shintouyu <3

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from an Mika_Len, Halloween 2k11 event

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from Doodlebug, Christmas 2011 event

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from my eternal star, April 11th 2012

User Image from Donkey Butter, Halloween 2012


Burial is for the living[/color:cb8ae96cc0]



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Hi, call me Tree.
I'm a linguist. I teach English as a second language.
I lived in South Korea for 2 years. I want to go back.

I am in love with language, spoken and written.
I can speak English, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, American Sign Language, Russian and Swahili. I can also do a bit of French, Spanish and Italian.

I've taken Russian, Mandarin and Swahili as intensive one-to-one classes with native speaking teachers. This means I speak better than I write. (but I can read and write Cyrillic just fine)

Japanese, Korean and Mandarin are my primary focus, so I've gotten rusty in everything else, sadly.

그리고, 한국이 아주 좋아습니다. 한국의음식이 최고예요.

I might should mention my other loves, books. Lol. I love reading, especially C.S. Lewis and anything fantasy. ^_^'
Anyway, that's about it. Oh, but I'll leave you with favourite quotes:

Notice how he(koolaid man) lures the CHILDREN to a REMOTE ISLAND and gives them REFRESHMENTS?

Warrior Bard
Fishing for strangers online is like asking random people on the street to bear your children.

That ain't no trip. That's a vocation.

human intelligence is the prelude to asshattery

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Your aquarium is undergoing maintenance!


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Clyry Report | 04/01/2024 6:16 am
Aww.. You remembered!!!! Welp now you know someone is reading!!!! Lols. I was kind of happy to see you posted on your journal!! At least I knew you're still alive and kicking!!! Me??? Uhmmmmm.... I am doing good I guess trying to. Ehe
Clyry Report | 09/05/2021 9:02 am
How have you been??? crying I don’t know if you still remember me been away for 5 years.
Valerth Report | 07/26/2021 11:17 am
Hello!!!!! Sorry ive been a way a bit. Ive been working alot and have just been mentally and physically exhausted. Anything new? heart
Kurisu Alba Report | 06/05/2021 11:02 pm
It is my pleasure and thank you kindly ^.^
Kurisu Alba Report | 04/28/2021 9:14 pm
Very cute avi and that's awesome how linguistic you are :3
Valerth Report | 04/16/2021 11:23 pm
Yea I know youve been going through some rough patches to :c I havent forgotten... You and me.....things are rough.... but im happy you can at least do some enjoyable things.
And FYI id be more then happy to take some yummy jars of goodness off your hands LOL
Valerth Report | 03/30/2021 1:49 pm
WOOOOOOOOOW that sounds amazing, I didn’t know that much went into making all that. Id love to see your little berry patches 4laugh it sounds so cute and quant!
Least you have such cute little hobbies to pass the time by for you. I miss having mine, I miss alot of things....I really do feel lost and unmotivated.... been trying to get out of it but its hard you know.
Theres so miuch going on and yet so little, you know what I mean? LOL
So do you have any finished jam or juice now?
Valerth Report | 03/22/2021 11:05 pm
That sounds so fun! I wish i could do all those things, but with my living situation im not even allowed to keep food here for myself... my very existence is a burden. Ive mostly been doing work. The anxiety and stress and depression drains me. But when I can i try to be creative. Im trying to actually create a few things and help start a business with my sister and friend. IDK, all the things i used to love and hobbies , just thinking about them tend to throw me into episodes... because they were all the things i did in my... old life......trying to heal really is what ive mostly been trying to do, some days i dont know if I ever will. But recently ive started to get back into language studying. TRYING haha among other skill sets ive been trying to study. I really miss gardening and harvesting and all that nature stuff.. alot. Im curious! How do you make jelly!? And what are you making it from? : ]
Valerth Report | 03/20/2021 8:29 pm
Wow you had a lot of informative info :]
But yes perfect description of the new song propaganda ... kind disappointed in them. So much so I will not support the new album......
Its a bunch of bullsh*t and im a vocal advocate i will not be silenced! scream LOL it seriously was a man made sickness to rig and steal an election that in fact really does determine the worlds affairs.
And COVID isnt even that bad... its not. All the numbers are lies as well. They put my uncle down as dying from covid when he dies from choking to death because he had ALS or a similar debilitating illness. I cant remember.... hospitals and drs in fact are getting paid ALOT to report deaths as that.Its funny, no one has died of anything else anymore except COVID rofl guess cancer and other illnesses dont exist anymore LOL Get shot and killed by your wound. COVID related death hahaha NO JOKE! Ive been reading so many reports and see the evidence with my own eyes and held with my own hands its shocking... but so many wont rise up and demand answers. Instead something just conveniently happens to distract the attention of people onto something else. OH look we have evidence and proof on this! OH NO DONT LOOK! Heres a shooting focus on that.....and I’m just here like wahmbulance dramallama I just wat everyone to wake up already, ban togetehr and have the damn planet open up again.... gonk
Okay ive ranted hahaha. What have you been doing to keep yourself distracted or entertained? 3nodding
Valerth Report | 03/18/2021 7:17 pm
YeH im not sure what to think of the new song : / and I love my super junior so much but if they supporting that scamdemic agenda ima have to pass in this... this is just fkn stupid... why have a comback aomg about the worlds current bullshit.... it shpuld have been about enjoying what you can and trying to make the beat of a shitty situation not normalize it or condition people into being slaves... so confused about the song crying
Damn i should have known cricket would be sketchy... do you have metro? Give me your insta so i can send an invite ^_^