

You've been hurt and so have I. You helped me through it though. And I am willing to do the same. We need each other. And we love each other. My heart aches when we don't talk. My head races with thoughts of you. I miss you even we we're talking. I can't help but smile even if I'm crying. You make me happy even if I'm sad. You make my head hurt with a pleasing joy. Without you I would be a hard shell of nothingness. I know this is nothing like it used to be. And I know things have changed. Everything was so perfect before. But I am trying to make it better. I'm trying to be the way I was for you. I am trying so hard. I wish I could talk to you 24/7 but I know we can't. So I cherish every moment we do talk. : / I'm sorry about the pain I put you though. And I'm sorry for the pain you've ever received in life. I'm sorry for it all. Just remember I love you. Till the end of time. And like we used to say. Always and forever...And beyond. You mean everything to me. And more. Ich Liebe~