
ok, this is death by flying toilet (tigermeisters sis) doing his profile for him cos hes clueless
ok, for starters, hes 14, tall for his age, does have his very annoying moments, but i am his sibling, so thats bound to happen

he enjoys reading fantasy stories, and even though hes not a fast reader, youll often find him with his head stuck in a book, complaining when you try and part him from his story

one of his mates(Cat)recently got him into the naruto anime, which hes been faithfully watching most nights. currently, i think hes on episode 45, and thats yet another thing he complains about being parted from.

hes quite good at maths, and music and is doing well in that at school. his english isnt soectacular, but its enough to earn him decent grades, and he tries hard. he enjoys science and history and there are many more subjects he currently takes.

This is me now(tigermeister)Finally doing my profile.
Im very strange and crazy and i like watching tv and playing on the computer. I support WALES anytime they play because i was born in Wales. I also support Liverpool.