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Kentu_takashi Report | 07/10/2013 4:55 pm
shiroandrex Report | 06/24/2013 2:37 am
i will but first my profile.
sublimeprincessa Report | 01/07/2013 2:41 pm
cool avi!
Adette Vida Report | 12/08/2012 7:30 am
Adette Vida
I've been missing you!!!
It's because of the time zones It's really hard to be on gaia the same time as you are
Anyways I hope I see you soon whee
Bye for now
black-ninjaStar245 Report | 11/26/2012 6:30 pm
Oh... Well i already have the kung fu belt & the jacket
Jasper521 Report | 11/18/2012 10:31 am
I am extremely sad that there will be no more twilight movies </3 TWILIGHT FANS FTW T^T Team Jacob.
Jasper521 Report | 11/18/2012 10:30 am
Surlyeon Report | 11/18/2012 8:33 am
lol that awesome cat_smile
OrAnGeAnImE2 Report | 11/16/2012 10:11 pm
Thx, but I already finished that one. sweatdrop
Raika Jinsei Report | 11/13/2012 5:14 pm
Raika Jinsei
nice avi

Going Under by Evanscene


tigersarethebest's avatar

Birthday: 07/28


a 16 yr old female that loves to make people happy. 3nodding
My name is cassandra lace penner and there are a few things u probuly would like to know about me. emotion_c8
we here are a "few" things about me:

1} I LOVE anime emotion_bigheart and watch/read it any time i get to.

2} I am a very energetic person and i'm very nice when i'm not mad.

3} im a terible speller [so dont come to me for spelling advice]

4} I love fried chickin,bacon,stake,and turkey [basicly i love to eat meat!! emotion_omnomnom ]

5} I am a helpful person tha will try my best to make somthing more clear or i might lend a hand finnacally to but dont ask me for money cuz i useally dont have alot of it.

6} I am stronger than i look and i will protect my friends and if its nessasery i will fight someone to protect that freind but i dont go aroud picking a fight with everyone i meet like i said ill only fight if its nessasray to protect my freind.

7} I will try to make someone laugh or if someone is not happy i'll try my best to make that person happy.

8} I am 5 feet tall

9} I hate being poked

10} I have ADHD so im very crazy when i dont take my medication.

11} I will write but i dont have a pashion for ill do it when i"m board though.

12} I LOVE animals.

13} I wont stand or ut up wht rude or immature behavoir i'm not one of those responiblitiy person/people and i agree with childish behavoir but the is a limit to my acceptance of it.

14} I am a fun-loving chick that loves to have fun and to be myself.

If u want to know more about me all u have to do is pm me and ill try to answer ur questons so ask away.

Hope that help u understand me better.

Your truely,
Cassandra lace penner

emotion_yatta most people call me cassie so feel free to call me that if u like

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Do what you want by Evanscence

Sally's Song by Amy Lee


look in my eyes and i will reflect ur inner personality...

sometime's u just have to relax

my favorite animals is a tiger
