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This would be DREW'S BESTIE ASHLEY Hacking this shioytt.<<3
iLove This boy soo ******** much it aint evenn funnayy! ..Me & Drew have known eachother for some timee & im enjoying every single day of ittttt(:
I would do about anything for this kiddo.? ( : He is part of my world on this little fake game<333 , Me & drew have had some pretttyy rad times in rally(: I mean one day we were porn star's! ;D We made some mad tips. (((; (Cuz meeexD) Jk, Lol . ANYYYYWAAAYS , Drew is funny, nice & cutee, >o< Yhu girls , Don't mess with him or i'll have too beat youu ya digg , ? He deservse the best of the best! ...Soo don't play withh himm cuz then yhu knowww....your gonna die(:
I love drew withh all my heart & always will ! I love his grossness & ALL. ;DDDDD, All though he can kinda crack a bad joke everyonce in whileee x__x" xD But whateverrrrr.(;<3 Still love youu.

Well i think that about wraps in upp ? :]

Soo iflysmBestiee<<3


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♥ Hacked By Yuur Gurl LOCAA <---
♥ Hacked By Yuur Gurl LOCAA <---

Eyy Diz Loca Hackin Mahh Bestiee Drew'z Pagee...He's A Pretty Kool Dude When Ya Get To Kno Him...He's Funny...Sumtimes....LOL....Anyways...Drew Has Always Had A Crush On Me ♥ Awww....i Kno.....lmao...Yea But We Jus Gnaa Be Fwends 4 Now...So Yea...i Gotta Go....So Tlk To Ya Later Drew...Pce
♥♥Hacked Byy: LOCA <----
♥On Tuesday September 1st, 2009

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Vikki Baby[: This Beh
Vikki Hackinqq Drew;s Paqee.
Well Wuh Can i Say Bout Himm ?
I Rlly Wanna Meet Him Like
In Person Cause He Ah Rlly Bomb Guyy(x
i Think Hee Fxcknn Funnnyy,, !
i Berely Tlk To Him Buh i Still Gettn
Toh No His Asz .!
Hmm This Guyy Pretty Darnn Hott; )
He Liek Tooh Partyy (; !!
i Stlk Him About 2xs Ah Week 8D
&ndd Dreww Fxck Thosee Haterszz o;<
Wee Be Keepin It Rll !
Ppl Be Liek He Fake She Fake Fxckkk
Yuh Guysz Hattersz(:
Buh Yee Yuh Should Get To Kno
Him He Hellaah Cool(:
Hmm Well Dhass All For
Todai or Foreverr . !

Jenny Here!&& I be hackin' mah frann Drew's paqee >;]. Ah what can I say bout this super awesomee frann? Hmm well this guy is onee of thee nicest people to talk and hanq with ;]. Mah supper sexii frann is also onee of the awesomest people you'll ever meet. He'll always makee me laugh when im feelin crappy >;O. I've known him for a whilee and I can asuree yhuu he'll climb rightt up to onee of your best franns xO. He's a lil bit strangee butt I lovee it x]. He can makee anyonee smilee by doin his stupidd jokes ;D.. Just Kiddin! He goes toqether with sweetness like peanutt butter and jelly! Hm butt if yhuu mess with him yhurr qunna have to go through me xO! If yhuu hate him? Ima kick yhur butt and you'll never knoee how nice, sweet, funny, && likeablee he is. Well runnin out of thinqqs tuh say here so Pcee Out Baee! ILY Buddie! ;]]

Supp Niqquhs Its Rudy Hackinq Dis Whitee Niqquh!
Dis Whitee Niqquh Be Fuqqinq Tiqht Assz Fxckk
Wee Have Thaa Same Style N We Have Tha Same
Haterss Thats Hella Funny! We Fouqht For A While
A Lonq Time Aqoo Buht Iyts All Guud Noww!
Imaa Have Tooo Goo For A Whilee Buhtt I'll Come
Baqq To Talk Too Yhu iiqht?
Bros 4 Lifee!

-12/13 12:20 pm


Iyts The One & Only Liz
Hackinq My qood Frann Drew!
Di$ Guy I$ Hella Bomb & Wayy
Fun To Talk With, He Alway$
Make$ Me Lauqh;] Di$ Playa Ha$
Greatt $waq, Alway$ Luvinq Hi$
Avi$ & Profile$! He Made An Awe$ome
Guild Called "Phresh Playa$" $oo All
Of Yhu Bxtchez $hould Joinn!

-Hack'd On 1/2/10 1:47 p.m

-Liz ♥

Ma Rap (:
Lookin Down Ma Pants And Can Tell Its Gettin Biqqa Den I Pull Ma Gap Out And Shoot This Fxckin Niqqa And Then Im In Tha City And It Is Lookin all Pretty And Then A Drive By Comes And Now Its Lookin all Shitty After I Get Home And Get In Tha Showa I Can See That Ma d**k Has Got Tha Fxckin Powwa And Then I Get Out And now Im Am All Clean Then An Hour Later Tha Fxckin Phone Rings And When I Pick It Up There Sayin Its Tha Cops They Wanna Take Me In And Put Me Behind Locks And Now Im All SCREWED Cuz I Was A Bad Seed And It Was All Because i Had To Smoke Dhat Pound Of Weed. Pce Niqqas (;

Official Page Bxtchez

Official Page Bxtchez


Dont Be Jockin Drew's Shxt!

Dont Be Jockin Drew's Shxt!

Besties (;

Ashley (;
Liz (:
Kayla <3

Goal For The Year (;

Goal For The Year (;