Nymphadora Tonks

Tonks aka Kizmey's avatar



"Dont call me Nymphadora!"

The real Tonks!


All About Me!

My name Kimberly, buut call me Tonks lawl (will love ya if u do)
People do kinda call me tonks as we r kinda alike and she is my favourite character out of Harry Potter, she is clumsy I am too lol.. soo bad XD.

I love Art! absolutely adore it, Love Drawing, Painting, Sketching everything... also love to write, oh I love Digital Art as well, thats fun lol.

I love my Dog Ben, he is my little baby lol.. not even a year old he is about 8 months I think.
Also have 2 Cats Ozzy and Davey, they are everyones lol... also love em.. have a bird Poppet he is everyones too ... and two fishies Bart and Homer (my brothers)

I love to Read, so if you have any good books you have just read tell me and I will defintly look into it lol.. I need some to read.

I love Ancient Civillisations, they fascinate me, love the class, any random facts tell me! lol

Well thats all about me for now

Luv Tonks

About Nymphadora Tonks
Dates: Born c. 1973 (see Tonks timeline, below), died May 1998 (DH33).
Ancestry: 'Tonks' is considered a "half-blood" because her father was a muggle-born wizard.
Mother: Andromeda (Black) Tonks, who is the sister of Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange.
Father: Ted Tonks, a muggle-born wizard.
Spouse: Married Remus Lupin during the summer of 1997, before the end of July (DH1).
Child: Ted, named for her father (DH).

Hair: various colors, changed at will.
Eyes: dark and twinkling.
Distinguishing features: as a Metamorphmagus, Tonks can assume many different appearances. Her actual appearance is that of a pretty, young woman with a pale, heart-shaped face.
Name meaning: Nymphs are spirits of nature in Greek mythology. They are minor female deities who appear as young, pretty girls, and are the protectors of springs, mountains, and rivers. The male counterpart to a nymph is a satyr (Encyclopedia Mythica). A nymph is also a stage of metamorphosis in the insect world.
Other names: She disliked her first name preferred to be called "Tonks" but her father called her "Dora."
Career: Auror and member of the second Order of the Phoenix; a protégé of "Mad-Eye" Moody (DH5). Part of the Advance Guard that helps Harry in his escape from the Dursley house (OP3-9, 35). Fought at the Department of Mysteries battle and was seriously injured.
Interests: Popular music (judging by the 'Weird Sisters' t-shirt).
House: Hufflepuff (JKR), 1984-1991.
Patronus: Previous one unknown; changes to "immense four-legged creature" (HBP cool . Lupin guesses that it changed because she received a profound shock (HBP15).

Nymphadora, or 'Tonks,' as she prefers to be called, is an Auror and a member of the Order of the Phoenix. She was not part of the original Order of the Phoenix as she was too young. Tonks was part of the Advance Guard that helps Harry in his escape from the Dursley house; she carried his trunk slung under her broom. (OP3-9, 35)

Tonks is the daughter of Sirius Black's favorite cousin, Andromeda, who married a Muggle-born wizard, Ted Tonks. Andromeda was removed from the tapestry of the Black family tree as a result of her marriage (so Kreacher does not feel the need to obey her even though she is family). That means that Tonks' aunts are Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange, whether any of them wants to admit it or not.

While at Hogwarts, Tonks was not made a Prefect. She said that it was because she lacked certain "necessary qualities," specifically the ability to behave herself. However, she must have been a very capable student in spite of her fondness for mischief, since becoming an Auror requires high marks in many subjects. After leaving Hogwarts in the summer of 1991, Tonks had to undergo an additional three years of training to become an Auror, only qualifying a year ago (summer of 1994).

Tonks is a Metamorphmagus, which means that she can change her appearance at will. She uses this ability in service to the Order, but it also helped her qualify as an Auror ("I got top marks in Concealment and Disguise during Auror training without any study at all, it was great.").However, she is very clumsy and she had more difficulty with Stealth and Tracking.

During the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, Tonks fired spells down on the Death Eaters in the Death Room, but was hit by a spell and injured severely. She recovered from her wounds after a stay in St. Mungo's. She was sufficiently healed to join Mad-Eye and Lupin on the platform in King's Cross as they met Harry from the train.

However, a few months later when Harry meets her at the Burrow, it is clear that Tonks is extremely unhappy. She has let her hair go a mousy brown, and looks "drawn, even ill." (HBP5) Harry at first supposes that she is distraught over Sirius' death but finds out later (HBP29) that she has fallen in love with Remus Lupin.

During Harry's 6th year at Hogwarts, Tonks was stationed there along with Aurors Proudfoot, Savage, and Dawlish to guard the school.

Tonks is a good friend to Harry and his friends. She is also an excellent comrade-in-arms for the upcoming war. She seems to hit it off particularly well with Ginny Weasley.

And thats all about the character Tonks... taken from the Harry Potter Lexicon


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Tonks's Life!

I just plan to write anything... sometimes i will make up a story of whats going on in Tonks's Life.. Character Tonks..... sometimes what happens in my life. My real life.. what im feelin and stuff... so ya know if its emo or anythin to criticise me


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Temiside Report | 12/03/2007 10:23 pm
I still haven't been banned yet yaazo! xD
bigxkrill Report | 11/25/2007 4:05 am

merry xmas!!!
miRMo 87 Report | 11/21/2007 12:54 pm
miRMo 87
alo cutie...

sooo cool your avatar


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