What I Am

Tooley's avatar

Last Login: 12/04/2006 2:27 pm

Registered: 08/23/2004

Gender: Male

Location: Texas

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Who I Am

Not much to tell you, really.
I'm young, I'm in the closet, but out of the E-closet, and I smell fantastic.

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Hikaru-Tenchi Report | 10/17/2006 4:13 pm
You need to get back online!!
Haddyn Report | 08/26/2006 2:27 am
I think that this calls for a duel. A duel...OF CUTENESS! 4laugh
Jamm Report | 08/25/2006 6:47 pm
Oh, no. There's only 1 Tooley. And he shall be mine! 4laugh
Tooley Report | 08/25/2006 4:24 am
Don't fight over me, girls. There's plenty of me to go around. heart 3nodding xp
Jamm Report | 08/25/2006 2:41 am
Dammit, I wanted the first comment! Oh well, at least now he can't say that I wasted it or anything. 3nodding
Haddyn Report | 08/24/2006 2:53 pm
Looks like I get to be your first, sweetness. heart