
Pleasure to meet you.
I'm the Thread-Bound Prince,
and I ask of you not to make fun of me
though I'll just ignore that statement.
I can be mean and loud sometimes.
Very loud.
But I'll be nice if you allow me to~
Don't threatened my friends; I only have one set of 'em.


My name is Jackie or Kitty or Ducky or Tora or the Thread-Bound Prince-or Remeii or Riley and
Anything that is desired by others.

And up to now I'm reportedly female. But that can change. :3

I like:

Louis, Lestat, and Armand, The Gracious Vampires

Music. of course.


Thinking. A lot.

Hugs, lots and lots of hugs!

Poking others.


Blasting my little earphones to the fullest.

Looking at someone.

Literates with lush language.

Being a dumb a**.

My Stuffed Tiger.

-I am part vampire.
Don't look at me strange like that.

-I love magic.
Period. No more further investigation.

-Randomly being a betch.

-Annoying a certain person.


Daily Dairy

Laas's DAily Milk and Cheese



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Technicolor Giraffe

Report | 02/08/2009 4:00 pm

Technicolor Giraffe


Opening movie

My latest video game obsession <3 Viitamin X Evolution for the DS

It should be an anime, thats how gooood it is!

Mizuki and Shojiro are just so effin' adorable <3

Anyways... wanna hear something funny

My mom forced me to go to the gym with her and I didnt have any clothes suited for excerise

I wore some cotton shorts that I wear to sleep, some tights/leggings since it was cold, and a large black shirt and my converse running shoes

I thought I looked ok, but then my mom had to blurt out:

"You look like you just jumped out of a Olivia Newton John fitness video from the '80s!"

I was like 'lul wut?" and looked in the mirror and loled

Indeed I looked like I came from a '80s era workout video, all I needed was some legwarmers to top off the look!

I should've taken a picture so you can laugh too C:
Technicolor Giraffe

Report | 01/19/2009 7:53 pm

Technicolor Giraffe

Ill see if I can go when summer gets here

I really want to visit youuuuuuuuuu

I think itll be for sure because my dad is going to some training thing and my bro is going to basic.

So my mom and I will be alone with nothing to do but travel somewhere~

lulz i forgot you were in band
Technicolor Giraffe

Report | 01/18/2009 11:42 am

Technicolor Giraffe

Guess What?

Chicken butt!

Not really... I MIGHT be making a little visit to B-ville in the summer.

3... 2... 1... -watches you explode with excitement-
Technicolor Giraffe

Report | 12/28/2008 8:59 pm

Technicolor Giraffe

But you'd be acting lazy too if you were playing either Tokimeki Girls Side 1st season or 2nd season.

Who doesn't love a good dating sim with adorable bishies? I wish Konami would bring it to the States.

Im going after Chris now that I finally got to see all of Wakaouji-sensei's possible endings.

Chris has the cutest accent and his hair is amaaaaaaaazingly pretty =D

I like Gill but with one L not two because of-shotshotshot-

I got the names Kiefer and Klaus off of the ultra cute Princess Debut game.

For some reason I just got the urge to play Chrono Trigger -flees-

I play too much video games lD
Technicolor Giraffe

Report | 12/27/2008 6:20 pm

Technicolor Giraffe

Hold your horses, I'll get some pictures for you soon!


I just read a paragraph in the book, looked at the pictures, and put it in my closet.

I havent unrolled the poster but I think its the one that looks exactly like the movie poster.

I just learned that Wizard in EAM reveals that his real name is Gale if you marry him in the game...

Gale sounds like a name a 83 year old woman would have, Marvelous should've given him a more wizardy sounding name.

Like Yurisu or Klaus or Kiefer
Technicolor Giraffe

Report | 12/25/2008 9:25 pm

Technicolor Giraffe

Happy holidays Tora!~

I dont like my new house. Its old and creepy and sometimes I hear noises in my room. But theres a bunch of grape vines in the backyard!

The grapes taste a little like wine =D

Actually it was 2 sons and a daughter. My mom and their mom wwant me and the youngest boy to hook up.

Because we're a couple months apart, were born in the same year, born in the same country (Panama~) 'cept he was born in the military hospital and I was born in a hospital outside the base since I was a premie baby. But he is cute, and I cant argue with that C:

What ya get for Christmas? I got my own laptop which was given to me a couple weeks early, and Guitar Hero On Tour and Decades for my DS.

My parents got us surprise gifts since my bro and I were helpful and stuff while moving. They got me a Twilight poster and the unofficial biography of Robert Pattinson (A horrible gift...)
Technicolor Giraffe

Report | 12/08/2008 1:57 pm

Technicolor Giraffe


Toraaaaaaa Im finally in Cali~

I love SLO even though ive been here for only a day and a half!

Its so pretty and nice I really do hope my dad'll retire here

Im going to my dads new boss's house this week, he has a son just about my age and a daughter just 2 years older~

I hope we become friends... Starting school during the second semester without knowing anyone is kinda scary :c

Report | 12/04/2008 4:25 pm


TORAKO CHAN!! *tackle hugs* how've you been! forgot to say congrats~ >w< i'm sorry i haven't responded for such a long time. i'm using another account more XD
Technicolor Giraffe

Report | 12/02/2008 10:08 am

Technicolor Giraffe

Oh hay I changed my profile like finally.

I was bored and was to lazy to make the images transparent, so my profile looks all clunky and stuffy

Imma gonna try to change my av now <:
Technicolor Giraffe

Report | 11/26/2008 12:11 pm

Technicolor Giraffe

I have my wii, just no where to connect it :c

heisnotmentallyretarded but I think another actor could've done a better job at being Edward.

Kristen Stewart was a good choice for the role of Bella

and icantbelieveTylerwasblackinthemovie. Im pretty sure that in the book it was stated that he was blonde.

Or maybe Im just crazy. My brother says Im just racist.... which Im not =P

oh! You have to see my animal crossing: city folk character. She looks like what my alter ego might look like and is uber cute :3



The world's a giant Oreo; you have to dip it in milk before if gets better.

Currently: Chipper!
