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cyberpunk skeleton's avatar

Report | 10/27/2018 2:03 pm

cyberpunk skeleton

i have return! with a brand new internet cable too, in time for the spooktown shenanigans!

since it's the season, perhaps some kind of satanic sacrifice so you can eat all you want? seems in the spirit of the festivities given they involve a lot of sweets anyway. plus it's always good to get in good with satan while you can, just in case. better to have all your bases covered.

welp, it snowed earlier this morning, so i'm guessing it's gonna be a long, b*****d-cold winter. so much for a balance in the weather. User Image as long as it remains easier to get warm than to cool down, i'm all right. i'll just build a fort out of blankets and live inside it for a few months.

now i just need a genie to show up and perhaps all my problems will be solved!!
Drizzt Nightstalker's avatar

Report | 10/17/2018 12:25 pm

Drizzt Nightstalker

Thanks for the purchase!!
cyberpunk skeleton's avatar

Report | 10/03/2018 12:30 pm

cyberpunk skeleton

sjhfdsajd GAIAAAAAAA it didn't show me this thank god i went to check my profile or i'd have missed it User Image

ANYway i bet if you eat something fast enough it doesn't even count, your body didn't even notice, so let the ice cream melt and then chug it maybe?

i enjoy it not being too cold but i'd prefer it over a heatwave any day, please weather, balance yourself, just for a bit. luckily it's not gotten super hot as of yet, so maybe it will just stay reasonably warm?

same here ;n; but hopefully it can get better for both of us! i probably would do better in a group again now, but even then i think my digestive system alone has become too easily disturbed by stress for me to pull off a feat like i did back then xD at least i can say i did do it once, even if i can't accomplish it again!

sometimes i sit and wonder if you could word a wish just right to make sure there were no loopholes, and then wish that every following wish has to meet your expectations and have no tricks involved or you get a redo. i somehow doubt i will ever be in a situation that this knowledge would be required, but just in case i do, i've got a good head start!
cyberpunk skeleton's avatar

Report | 09/26/2018 6:41 pm

cyberpunk skeleton

yes, at least i had the ice cream to keep me company while i was ill lol!

well according to the weather report i saw tonight the temperature's gonna rise again. so much for getting autumn. ; -; hopefully it'll stay down low enough that it's pleasantly warm and not as bad as before, but things bounce back and forth so much at the moment i wouldn't be surprised if we got another heatwave or something for a day or two.

i think even with a private room i'd be too embarrassed singing in front of anyone, but back in the day i was in the school choir and performed in front of a huge crowd. it was a meeting of all the choirs of a lot of different schools though, so the pressure wasn't as high. still it's so weird to think i was ever okay with it given how shy i am about it now! xD

if i had my choice of superpowers being able to grant my own wishes would be pretty great. with the power of a reset button, at least. if i couldn't undo things it'd probably get pretty bad pretty fast!

cyberpunk skeleton's avatar

Report | 09/10/2018 1:36 pm

cyberpunk skeleton

hello! i have finally returned. i was under the weather for a bit but i am back in action now! and i still can't resist if there are magnums or even fake store's own brand magnums of any kind in the freezer, i have to consume them. you have to harness the power of the cheat day. all you have to do if get up at midnight and keep eating until the next midnight, as long as it doesn't go over it doesn't break the rules and the dark magic of the cheat day will remain in place as the prophecy foretold.

it's finally started to actually get cooler in the evenings where i am. it kept fluctuating back and forth, a couple of cold days then a couple of humid ones, but finally i've had to break out the fleece jacket in the evenin', mostly if the back door is being left open for the dog to come and go as she pleases. soon enough it's gonna be door closin' season though, and she'll have to come and bother us if she requires a gardening trip.
oh man that sounds like the best! the feeling of knowing you can stay up as late as you want and sleep the next day is a glorious one, even better if there's food and friends involved.

if i had my own pool i'd be so fit it would be shocking. i'd just spend hours failing to swim and generally walking around in it. buy an underwater treadmill and listen to music all day. eventually develop gills or something. that'd be the life. maybe if i win the lottery. ;w;

if i have any superpowers they're definitely useless much like these.
cyberpunk skeleton's avatar

Report | 08/17/2018 1:45 pm

cyberpunk skeleton

even though it's cooled down now, even rained, i can't stop eating ice cream. User Image but i guess someone has to.
i did end up being nocturnal for a few days here and there, escaping the heat in the night and sleeping in the day instead, saves money instead of keeping the fan on all night. although i guess i end up using the computer instead. oh well, beats waking up basically floating in a pool of your own sweat ;A;

now i just need to find someone to back it. i guess people must've taken worse ideas on those shows asking business folk for money. i've never watched them, but surely.

knowing my luck if i could even take cat naps it'd probably not help me User Image but my sister does all the time. >:T i can't even remember the last time it didn't take me hours to drop off. i hope she appreciates her superpower.

maybe that's another idea, swimming pools for people who don't like being in public swimming pools, so there's strict rules about not interacting with people or looking at them. maybe vr goggles and everyone has an avatar, so you don't bump into one another, but you don't get to see the real person. if only vr tech was cheaper...and waterproof. my ideas are too ahead of my time, clearly.
Innocent Porcelain Doll's avatar

Report | 08/16/2018 5:21 pm

Innocent Porcelain Doll

I love your avatar. Feels like what I'm going with my room and invo right now.
cyberpunk skeleton's avatar

Report | 07/29/2018 12:44 pm

cyberpunk skeleton

i actually prefer rainy weather and i think a lot of things look just as pretty in the rain or other "bad" weather as they do when it's sunny, so it makes more sense for me to be depressed in the summer for sure. it was actually nice and cool yesterday but despite raining earlier it's gotten hot again today. ;_; least i still have ice cream. though sadly there may be more child shrieks since school has broken up for the summer now. ;A; kids really do scream like they're dying when they're having fun. i wish adults had that freedom, but i guess it'd be harder to tell when someone's actually being murdered or something then. hmm. i had a concept for screaming booths, actually. just like a photo booth, only it's soundproof and people can pay to go in and just scream and swear to get the rage out, but to make sure the soundproof thing doesn't lead to bad stuff, such as murders, whenever it's open for business there has to be someone watching over it with a little video feed on a screen outside just to be safe. i'm even creating jobs, this would be great for the economy!

that can be how i make the money for my mom's minivan! °ヮ°

supposedly little naps here and there are actually really good for you, but i think they have to be for certain amounts of time, and i...can't remember what they are so. hm. but still!

about the only exercise based activity i enjoy is swimming, and since that involves being in public, being in a swimsuit, and being in a bright and often loud environment, it's not something i can really enjoy. ; m ;
cyberpunk skeleton's avatar

Report | 07/22/2018 1:38 pm

cyberpunk skeleton

lol, same here! though i can understand right now how i ended up taking a while for this one, at least, and why my energy's been low. even after all these years it still took me a good solid couple months to realise my depression was settling in a bit more than usual. i think it's summer time to be honest, seasonal depression but not in the winter like most people get. it's hot, bright, loud (all the shrieking children in the neighbourhood; i'm glad they're having fun but that doesn't stop it grating on my sensitive ears!). the heatwaves probably just put the cherry on top of being kinda down in the dumps in general. :T hot weather means having to be more actively aware of my body which isn't something i generally enjoy doing. BUT before i know it, it'll be cooler, so there's an upside. just gotta stick it out until it's better. at least it being hot means an excuse for eating Too Much ice cream. :D

my mom's always wanted a little camper van or something to go camping in, but we never had the money. :c we need to win the lottery or something so she can finally have one.

i'm lucky to not HAVE to stick to a routine, thankfully, so when my sleep schedule gets messed around i can just go with it and slowly work it back to normal. which is definitely helpful given with the air pressure changing a lot with the weather i keep getting bad headaches, which can include ones where the only thing i can do is go back to bed and sleep it off. that doesn't do wonders for trying to keep to a decent sleeping routine! xD here's hoping at least you can get some good nights of sleep!

glad to hear things have gotten better in the foot department! i should probably look into ankle-strengthening exercises to be honest. don't know how i didn't think of that before.
cyberpunk skeleton's avatar

Report | 07/01/2018 2:59 pm

cyberpunk skeleton

i think i must've gotten it in a pile of others or something and missed it hnng, probably some shop notifs, i should start just selling things on my mules only. i'm glad you don't mind ; v ;
i imagine it'd make as many problems as it would solve, but i suppose it would keep the balance of things, though i'd appreciate it if we could have things be at least a bit nicer if you're listening universe.

i'd love to go camping in theory, but the reality would probably not be as fun. although having a camper or a cabin would definitely make it a lot easier. i have enough trouble falling asleep as it is, putting me in a tent and lying on the floor probably wouldn't help lol!

living that anxiety life. no matter how fine things are the brain finds a way to still make you worry User Image i know it all too well!
it is very kind of you to say so...but i have no doubt that i would prooobably just end up burning something down within the first hour xD
oh no, ankle and foot stuff is the worst. i have pretty weak ankles which lead to me almost falling over randomly every now and again, and my family has no end of problems with foot skin ailments like blisters, dry cracked skin, corns etc. makes me wonder how we survived this long tbh. here's hoping your feet are doing better now!!

every once in a while i'll be trying to sleep and one of my elbows just aches unless i stretch my arm out, probably from leaning or lying on it funny the night before, but it's also the only side i can get comfortable on to go to sleep or i'm particularly comfortable and just have to roll over and start the process of "please let me just go to sleep now" all over again. emotion_donotwant
cyberpunk skeleton's avatar

Report | 06/18/2018 5:11 pm

cyberpunk skeleton

fhsdjfhjdkadsjflad i've been busy for a bit and similarly drained as last time, and when i get a chance i come here and i'm like "huh no notification that's weird" and either gaia screwed me over again or i lost a tab in chrome at some point, because i didn't get that sweet notif sayin' you'd posted on my profile hnnnnnnnnnng but here i am. real life can be such a pain, if there's gonna be a full blown apocalyptic dystopia where we can plug our brains into the internet and just live there i wish it'd hurry up at least i'd have an excuse to be online 24/7 lmao.

yeah as someone with zero confidence i think i'd have to get masterfully skilled at something like survival before i'd consider myself actually capable of putting those skills to action! i mean i just said i'd enjoy being plugged into the internet 24/7 so i think it goes without saying surviving out in the wilderness is outside of range of abilities.

in the same vein of having no confidence any job i could have would probably be mostly me assuming it's just a countdown until i get fired, so congratulations for making it this far! i imagine you're doing a better job than i could anyway though xD here's hoping your wrist has gotten better by the time you receive this! one of my least favourite recurring injuries is waking up to find i've slept funny and i have a crick in my neck. emotion_0A0
cyberpunk skeleton's avatar

Report | 05/18/2018 7:27 pm

cyberpunk skeleton

hello! i have returned, back from the dead! apologies for the absence, had a period of my socialising energy fuel being quite low. User Image but finally here i am once again, back from the grave.

honestly the stuff that never ceases to blow my mind is the stuff we know about space. and we know so little with such a vast universe out there, yet the things we DO know are so...intense. i doubt we'd be able to comprehend a lot of stuff outside of the observable universe, and with it stretching out faster and faster, we're not developing technology fast enough to keep up. we need to bust out the super secret alien tech from area 51 and blast out into space to meet some cool aliens who'll share their stuff with us so we can keep advancing our knowledge.

i've always been interested in survival in the wilderness stuff, but never enough to actually...you know...research it. orz
of all the worrying questions the pokemon universe raises, having an entire type of pokemon that is a parasite controlling another species has got to be up there with some of the worst.

aah! i hope things are working out at your new job!
cyberpunk skeleton's avatar

Report | 04/22/2018 1:17 pm

cyberpunk skeleton

i lost a bunch of my tabs and forgot i'd had one open to reply to you because i thought i'd already done it. OTL thankfully my anxiety of double checking came in handy this time and let me know i had to get back to you!

it is really cool to see there are so many things we've still got to learn about even now, although yeah it's definitely frustrating when you try to find an answer only to discover it doesn't exist yet lol!

i think if i was out for a walk in nature and lost my way i'd probably panic even if i knew for sure that if i just walked in one direction i'd find a way out. i wouldn't last long in the wild without help, that's for sure, so it probably comes from that.
that's just the epitome of "jesus christ how horrifying" right there, i had no idea that was the case. and it's a whole species in that universe as well... ;_;

hey, if there's one thing i can understand it's depression, anxiety and dealing with anything relating to them.User Image
heart valve of justice's avatar

Report | 04/22/2018 12:22 am

heart valve of justice


Thank you for the gifts!!! emotion_hug
cyberpunk skeleton's avatar

Report | 04/02/2018 1:36 pm

cyberpunk skeleton

it took accidentally almost sleeping through an entire day, but i have managed to to just about get back to the level i was at before. and thank you~
i hope things work out and get easier for you!! it's always so bittersweet when you find someone who knows what you're going through because they are too, because on one hand you can relate to each other, but on the other you don't want anyone else to have to be dealing with the same stuff you are. :c take care of yourself!

it's weird to compare some really obscure things we know a lot about to really commonplace stuff we still have little to no understanding about in some way. the biggest thing has to be human bodies in general. our own selves are more complicated and harder to understand than some really weird things out there.

yeah it really is about context with a lot of things. if you're on a nice walk through a forest on a designated path on a sunny day things like that are beautiful, but if it's foggy and dark and you're not sure how to get back out of the woods they start to become scary.
same here, when it comes to parasitic things i don't care if it's just going about it's business, i'm definitely still horrified too!

i'm generally awful at dealing with the bad times, so not only am i never in any position to point the finger at anyone else, but honestly i can never blame them either, since i know what it's like having things get the best of you. i hope things just get to the point where you don't have to worry about it because things are looking up!
cyberpunk skeleton's avatar

Report | 03/31/2018 1:59 pm

cyberpunk skeleton

well at least i'm doing okay again now. had kinda low mental energy for a while but i'm used to dealing with that, you just gotta wait it out. i actually went and did some outside-the-house activities, and i thought i was totally fine at the time and had gotten away with it, but then the day after i suddenly felt drained, which is totally not fair! like if i'd had an anxiety or panic attack i'd understand, but come on! totally unfair. User Image

apparently we know more about some things in space than the decomposition of cheese. it's definitely a strange thing to think about when you put it in that context. xD

long thin tendrils might even just remind the brain of things like spiders and insects which were, and in some cases still ARE dangerous. it's a shame it also happens to include something as harmless as potatoes so them just going about their business managed to horrify me lol.

aah, i'm glad things are going well, here's hoping they continue to improve!
somiyu's avatar

Report | 03/21/2018 10:02 pm


I don't even remember. >_<
somiyu's avatar

Report | 03/20/2018 8:51 pm


sweatdrop sweatdrop
cyberpunk skeleton's avatar

Report | 03/20/2018 2:53 pm

cyberpunk skeleton

hello! i am back after a while of upset stomachs and migraines, which were hopefully just my body fighting off the illness my sister has, because otherwise it's just the universe being a dickhead to me i guess.

i forgot to look into the cheese thing, but i googled it just now and apparently there are only theories because nothing has been able to be proved. which is kinda worryingly considering everything we DO know with science today. so it will remain a mystery for now, i suppose. xD
oh man it's seared into my mind forever. it's weird how it's so creepy yet it's nothing at all to be afraid of, just unfortunate that it obviously resembles something that sets of the alarm in our brains that was wired in as a survival mechanism back in the day. i wonder if it's because it looks like some funghi, considering a lot can end up being very bad for you? whatever it is, it's horrific.

hopefully everything worked out! i'd imagine even the folks you don't know too well would be understanding since it wasn't you just changing your mind and screwing them over at the last second or anything.
somiyu's avatar

Report | 03/20/2018 8:52 am


Thank you! 3nodding
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