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The smartest thing you will ever see on the internet.

Tormented Sage's avatar

Registered: 03/22/2007

Gender: Male

Birthday: 06/04

The only personal Identification you'll get from me coppers!!!!

Realms of Grearos: World of Magic (RECRUITING) Will be remade for simplicity.

What I'm wearing so you don't have to ask all sexy-like.

Things I wast my time on.

This is where I let everybody in on my most personal secrets... NOT!

Posts per Day: 0.76

Total Posts: 4852

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Don't take me seriously, you'll get my humor then.

I make friends everywhere I go, so I must not be too bad!

The ones who bugged me lately.

Fluffy Floof on 04/04/2023

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Finder of Spirits Report | 08/20/2015 9:30 pm
Finder of Spirits
Making friends is easy, it is the reason you make friends that counts smile
aryal_glorious Report | 07/26/2014 12:52 pm
no, it doesn't. announcements will keep coming.

eh, the capcha is "no brainers" yeah, announcements will keep up as they do not care about out wishes. they only care about money.
aryal_glorious Report | 07/26/2014 12:43 pm
it doesn't work. i've tried. yeah.
LadyHooterSmoker Report | 08/28/2013 11:13 pm
sorry I left so quickly wanted to change xp thanx for crewing with me
sIeepykins Report | 02/17/2012 10:40 pm
Why yesss yesss I am... emotion_c8
sIeepykins Report | 02/17/2012 10:13 pm
Greetingssss....oh humble ssssage....nice rassssengan you have there...
Ikoi Hanakari Report | 01/29/2012 1:28 pm
Ikoi Hanakari
your post in the captain of squad 12's office
you have a cero aimed at your face
mightynameofjesus Report | 09/03/2011 10:44 am
you to have a application form they need to fill out,as well as a transfer form
cosmicqueer Report | 07/05/2011 9:21 pm
Aw, thank you for the crushtag comment, Sage. c: ♥

How are you, anyway?
Xaiyou Kageryuu Report | 06/14/2011 8:20 am
Xaiyou Kageryuu
nothing much. be ready for a new RP. im going post the preview soon.

At least I'm safe inside my mind.