
TouchMe_I_Am_Adorable's avatar

Gender: Male

Birthday: 07/01/1991


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It's that time again.
The time were time starts over every year and then...
O... why hello friend, how are you?
A pleasure to meet you; The man said with a grin.
Be you full of Good, or Sin... if you would allow me.

My name is Lloyd, here is a thing or two you should know.
Thing one being: I am Not... going to tell you, what kind of man I am.
That is entirely up to you, to decide.
Thing two: I state here very clearly... no matter who you are.
What Your, background is. Who raised you. Or weather you are sweet...
or not... (insert meaningful, and slightly disregarding comment to yourself here)

now that we got all that bullshit out of the way, what the ******** up? i'm one of the nicest people you meet no matter what that says above this, that was another time this is a new time and i live in the present and aim for the future that will become present. i am currently head over heals (almost literally...sorry hun i am not a chinese contortionist) for her ^^ she is the most amazing girl i've ever met. It's been an honor dear. for the rest of you, it is rare to catch me on my bad side unless i have not been able to cook or eat in a while xD i love both of those. music WAS a strong passion of mine but not so much anymore. that is all for now, want to know more... write all of this down and finish the rest yourself from your (my) point of view. <33

RAWR! that means your the best in lloydisaurus rex talk <3