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Want to learn some Dutch? Here's your chance! I want to teach other people Dutch, and it's really easy, so why not give it a try? ^_^;

A - "aa" as in aaahh
E - "ee" as the a in ape or amen
I - "ie" as the ea in easily or the ee in three/tree
O - "oh" as in ohh
U - "uuh" as in return

Requested words (newest on top)
Oh my gosh! I can speak dutch! = Oh mijn god! Ik kan Nederlands spreken!
What are you doing? = Wat doe je? (or: Wat ben je aan het doen?)
French Fry = Frietjes
s**t = Poep
Annoying = Vervelend
Money = Geld
Hello stupid = Hallo sukkel (litterally: Hallo stom)
Guestbook = Gastenboek
Towairato is in love with clothes = Towairato is verliefd op kleding
Didn't = Deed niet
Are = Zijn (example: They are dumb = Hun zijn dom)
Translation = Vertaling
Teddy brown = Teddybeer bruin
Leg = Been
Why you don't speak? = Waarom spreek je niet?
Teenager = Tiener
Butt = Kont
L*ser = Verliezer
OMG wow that's neat! = Oh mijn God, wow, dat is aardig/netjes!
German = Duits
Rainbow = Regenboog
Hmm...how are you? = Hmm...hoe gaat het?
Your mom = Jouw moeder
I = Ik
I'm like whatever! = *comment: Hm, difficult one. We don't have a translation for that. I think "Het zal wel!" shall do.* Drawing = Tekening
I like you = Ik vind jou leuk
I am happy = Ik ben blij
Eraser = Gum
Cute = Schattig
Dog = Hond
School = School
Soccer = Voetbal
Because = Omdat
What's up? = Wat is er?
Muffin = Muffin
I've got the translater = Ik heb de vertaler
I don't get it = Ik snap het niet
Learning Dutch = Nederlands leren
Apple = Appel
Enter = Binnengaan
Your name = Jouw naam
Poop = Poep
I love Eve's site = Ik hou van Eve's site
Television = Televisie
Papa = Papa
Giraffe = Giraf
I now speak dutch!! = Ik spreek nu Nederlands!!
Great = Geweldig
Naomie is the best = Naomie is de beste
Girl = Meisje
I love Eve's site = Ik hou van Eve's site
I will do anything for you = Ik wil alles voor je doen
Tree = Boom
Welcome = Welkom
Month = Maand
Stupid = Stom
Strawberry delight = Aardbei vreugde
Lets go shopping = Laten we gaan shoppen
What are you doing? = Wat ben je aan het doen?
Nothing = Niks or Niets
Cheese = Kaas
Cute = Schattig
And = En
Berry = Bes
Difficult times lie ahead = Moeilijke tijden komen eraan (litterally: moeilijke tijden liggen aan kop)
Baby = Baby (as in child)
Baby = Schatje, Liefje (as in cuddly name)
Frozen Heart = Bevroren Hart
Love The Darkness = Hou van de duisternis
You are = Jij bent
Purple = Paars
If only they were here = Als ze maar hier waren (litterally: Als alleen zij hier waren)
Fudge = Knoeiboel
Like = (as in, I like cats) leuk vinden, (as in, something like this) zoals
Cool = (as in cold) koel, (as in awesome) gaaf, tof
Phantom of the opera = De schim van de opera
Nice dress = Leuke jurk
Blue = Blauw
Kisses = Kusjes
Out = Uit
Uncle = Oom
Adorable = Schattig, enig
Poop = poep
Poopy = poepig
You are rude = Jij bent onbeschoft
MissPerfect = MevrouwPerfect
Swish = gesuis
Friend = Vriend
Friends = Vrienden
Lil Miss Killer = Kleine Mevrouw Moordenaar
Smile = Glimlach
You are beautiful, babe. = Jij bent mooi, schat.
Struting Model = Paraderend Model
Makeup = Makeup
Lipgloss = Lipgloss (litterally: lippenglans, but no one ever says that)
Fresh mint = Frisse mint
Steal = stelen, jatten
A smile a day keeps the doctor away = Een glimlach per dag houdt de doktor weg
Inspiration = Inspiratie
Custard = Vla
Pink = Roze
Funny = Grappig
I love Sugar-Melody = Ik hou van Sugar-Melody
Hey, how are you bunny? = Hey, hoe gaat het konijn?
Life is cruel treat you unfairly = Het leven is wreed behandelt je oneerlijk
I love to pixel = Ik hou van pixellen

I = Ik
Me = Mij
You = Jij (If you're talking to an adult, it's U)
Your = Jouw (If you're talking to an adult, it's Uw)
He = Hij
She = Zij
We = Wij
They = Zij
Them = Hun
Her = Haar
His = Zijn
Mine = Mijn

Hi = Hoi
Hello = Hallo
Goodmorning = Goedenochtend
Goodafternoon = Goedemiddag
Goodevening = Goedenavond
Goodnight = Goedenacht
Goodbye = Goededag
Bye = Doei
See you later = Zie je later

Who, what, where..
What = Wat
Who = Wie
Where = Waar
How = Hoe
When = Wanneer

Dog = Hond
Dogs = Honden
Cat = Kat
Cats = Katten
Bird = Vogel
Birds = Vogels
Hamster = Hamster
Bear = Beer
Bears = Beren
Bunny = Konijn
Bunnies = Konijnen

I think you're..
Stupid = Stom
Nice = Aardig
Beautiful = Mooi
Idiot = Idioot
Cute = Schattig
Sweet = Lief
Social = Sociaal
Funny = Grappig
Smart = Slim
Dumb = Dom
Super = Super

Computer = Computer
Fun = Pret
Hair = Haar
Work = Werk
Love (general) = Liefde
Love (as in loving) = Hou van
From = Van
Beer = Bier
Hate (general) = Haten
Hate (hating someone) = Haat
Sugar = Suiker
Melody = Melodie
Music = Muziek
Computer = Computer
Folder = Folder
Stop = Stop
Book = Boek
Books = Boeken
Bag = Tas
Bags = Tassen
School = School
Learn = Leer
Learning = Leren
Clothes = Kleding or Kleren
Fast, quick = Snel
Little = Klein

Yes = Ja
No = Nee
Sometimes = Soms
Maybe = Misschien
Please = Alsjeblieft (if you're talking to an adult, it's Alstublieft)
Thanks = Bedankt
Thank you = Dank je

Mother = Moeder
Father = Vader
Brother(s) = Broer(s)
Sister(s) = Zus(sen)
Grandma = Oma
Grandpa = Opa
Mom = Mam
Dad = Pap
Mommy = Mamma (some write it as 'mama', it doesn't really matter)
Daddy = Pappa (some write it as 'papa', it doesn't really matter)

I love you = Ik hou van jou
How are you? = Hoe gaat het? (litterally: Hoe ben je?)
Where do you live? = Waar woon je? (litterally: Waar doe je wonen?)
I am 18 years old = Ik ben 18 jaar oud
How old are you? = Hoe oud ben jij?
I want to shop = Ik wil winkelen


Viewing 12 of 20 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 03/07/2007 10:56 am


Are = Zijn (example: They are dumb = Hun zijn dom)
moet zijn ZIJ zijn dom :p wel leuk gedaan
no offence hoor maar k kan er echt niet tegen als mensen dat fout doen wink

Report | 02/28/2007 7:27 am


Hey kl profile heart realli random question do you have facebook?

Report | 02/23/2007 5:34 am


Random comment back razz

Report | 02/23/2007 4:54 am


Np wink

Report | 02/22/2007 4:59 pm


Thank you ^^;
LaTiNa BaBii LuV12

Report | 02/22/2007 10:29 am

LaTiNa BaBii LuV12

thnxz 4 the comment! ur avi is cute 2!

Report | 02/22/2007 10:23 am


je profiel is echt leuk

Report | 02/22/2007 4:54 am


hey leuke profile biggrin
My Silver Tears

Report | 02/21/2007 11:56 am

My Silver Tears

Thanx for buying :3

Report | 02/21/2007 2:44 am


Hey leuk profiel!


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