Trainer Missy

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Birthday: 12/20

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Name Missy Elixabeth ( Pronounced Elizabeth )
Age 16
Nicknames Miss, Mimi, Lizzy.
Hometown Saffron

Missy received her very first pokemon, Houndour, the day of her tenth birthday. The very same day se left Saffron, he family, and a boy named Kylan behind to begin her own journey. Both her and Kylan had been friends for years, and leaving was not easy for her. She gave him a ball-cap, promising that they would meet back up and travel the world. He in turn gave her a blue-stoned necklace, which she wears daily and cherishes. And though she never actually went back, she has hopes that they will meet again.

She is a very kind and caring young woman. Her determination and zeal are as loud as her voice at times, but for the most part she's a fairly quiet individual. People know her to be the one to care more about others then herself, but shes also known to often be lost in thought and chasing a memory. And though shes got a heart of gold, she can get very aggressive in a short time.

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Trainer Kylan