
Ello Poppits!! I live somewhere in the north eastern u.s. Where? you'll never know. I dance and have been dancing since I was 5. I recently joined my high school's marching band. Which by the way was undefeated this season. No I don't play an instrument...I play the flag and rifle. My birthday is April 20th....the year is classified info. : )


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My Dream Avi

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Treeflower45 Report | 04/18/2011 10:02 am
Just a couple days till my birthday!!!
Cosmotellurian Monarch Report | 03/17/2011 1:11 pm
Cosmotellurian Monarch
It has been a REALLY long time... XD
a_witches_past Report | 07/30/2009 8:09 am
Christa, hey! How have you been? That'd be awsome and I could buy my ticket. Mabey we could check out the high school at the same time too. I'll be away from the 2nd to the 7th though. Dude, that's sweet!(The qrt) And my last name is He so even if we're not we're pretty damn close! And we might have the same lunch period(s) too! smile I didn't think about all the people who have close to the same last name! smile
Tai ShenAi Report | 07/28/2009 8:58 pm
Tai ShenAi
i dont but i like the covers; i liked the covers over 500 billion times more thn the actual books. im an artist and a writer and i kno whats good and whats not. trust me.
Cosmotellurian Monarch Report | 07/12/2009 10:07 am
Cosmotellurian Monarch
Hey, not much has been up. What's happenen with you?
Tai ShenAi Report | 07/10/2009 7:09 pm
Tai ShenAi
aw tht sucks. gaia doesnt. lol.
gaia spirit week! w00t!
Cosmotellurian Monarch Report | 07/03/2009 11:59 am
Cosmotellurian Monarch
Hiya. Long time no talk. razz
Tai ShenAi Report | 07/01/2009 2:51 pm
Tai ShenAi
its evil LEADER thank u very much
wow thts a long time! i cant live w/o going on gaia XDD
meg meg1357 Report | 06/16/2009 11:07 am
meg meg1357
Tai ShenAi Report | 05/06/2009 12:43 pm
Tai ShenAi
hello, my evil minion #4 =]

what secrets do my smile hide?

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Secrets. You a secretive person if you have a secret smile! You may smile because you know the persons secret and you see them lie about it. You may smile because your happy, but no one knows. Your smile is unique and mysterious. body { background: url(http://toxxicbg.net/bg_147.gif); }

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What curse lies upon me

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Be faithful to me curse.So, from what you told me, you are in a relationship and feel like your head over heels? Or everyone else is ugly and unfaithful? You most like have a 'be faithful to me' curse on you. Your partner is the only one who could have put this curse on you because you are attracted to that person. However, ask yourself, could it be a curse, or have you just fallen for this person bad? The reason you have this curse could be that your partner is insecure in your relationship or feels you have wandering eyes. I dont know if this spell is undoable but why dont you try to talk to this person and convince them to take the spell off you...maybe you'll have some freedom then. Thanks for taking this quiz! I would hard on it and would appreciate it if you rate/message me. If you want more information about curse's and stuff, the place I looked up was quite helpful and gave me some curse ideas. Its - calastrology . com.

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what's my secret power

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Telepathy. You can communicate through your mind! And to anyone. This is most like you because you have deep thoughts, some you dont want shared and some you do want shared. You also can read peoples minds and figure out what they're thinking! How you got this power: You, are born with it. Well, I hope that was interesting enough! Feel free to message/rate!

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How well do i cope with life/death situations?

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Thoughtful and fast. When something goes wrong, you get right onto fixing a problem. There's only been a couple of times when you've freaked out in the past so now you try even harder to fix the mistake/problem. Most people come to you when there's a problem because you are so positive and stop them from freaking out. Your great at your life and death situations and hardly ever lose your way!

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what kind of witch am i?

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Modern witch. You cast spells that you think you need. You are usually quite generous but know when to keep the fact youre a witch to yourself. You love to have fun and kind of keep half of yourself hidden from mortals that you call your friends. Only your grandmother knows youre a witch and you dont usually live in a small house thats deep in the woods, but in a nice new modern home with a basement. You're lucky because no one would guess youre a witch because when you see a spider you scream like any normal girl. But deep inside, spiders are the least of your worries. You pretend to be different all the time but you still have truth inside you.

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What do i dream about?

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You dream of Adventures. You think the world around you is dull and unexciting. You will do anything that's bold and exciting even if it means getting into trouble. Your parents are always worried about you running away and maybe you do. . .Advice: Travel, you can find adventure in new things. smile

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What type of fantasy thingy am I?

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The sunset Mer maid,never seen the true colors of your fins people think they are sunset colored knowbody knows wat u look like or your name they have seen a glimps of u wich is this picture

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What do I look like as anime?

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^This is you^ You are graceful and pretty

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What element am I?

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You are Ice

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What kind of dark creature lies within me

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A Mermaid of the poisoned heart, a Mermaid, naturally they like to dream, they also have a lot of friends by there side, so why are they scared? The Mermaid that is in your soul is lost, it has hope and it brings hope into your world, Mermaids also done like to be alone. So there Crystal is: A light Blue Crystal: Calm, soft, meaning

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What angel are you?

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Earth angel! sensible, realistic, matter-of-fact, responsible, reasonable, rational, logical, balanced, sober, pragmatic, levelheaded, commonsensical, sane

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What kind of Princess am I?

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You are the Proper Princess:You always follow the rules and are a great problem solver. You are very strong and mature. You are also kind and fair, meaning you will make a perfect ruler!Your Name: SakuraYou Prince: You get strong guy always ready to sweep you off your feet!

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What season are you?

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Winter. The cold season! But fun to, were it's known to snow and you drink hot chocolate by the fire in some countries. You best represent winter because you love that weather and maybe youre a bit cold to people. You probably love the season because of having snow fights, drinking hot chocolate, making snow angels and getting days off school! Winter is the season of sadness as well, but dont let that get you down!

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What kind of angel am I?

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You are the Angel of mysteries. Some say, thats too mysterious for you to figure out. Well there wrong, you are still a teen, not quite an angel yet, but you have been granted the power of solving the most mysterious mysteries. You love adventure and danger, although it scars you at times. You still love it. You want to be able to solve any mystery you come across. Your favourite colours are: Black, blue & red

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meg meg1357
Tai ShenAi
Cosmotellurian Monarch
Invisible sad_boy13

Super terrible!!! I have not been on Gaia in FOREVER (like 3 years). I actually didn't have the intention of getting on, but I kept getting dumb e-mails and went frantically clicking on things and ended up on gaia...

grr...high school sucks!! sooo many choices!!! should i take AP U.S. history or regular history, should i take regular chem. or Quant. Chem....french 5 or no french...phych?? and I have to make my mind up by friday!!!!! (band banquet day...s'gonna be awesome!!)