
Tres_Huevos's avatar

Registered: 03/15/2007

Gender: Male


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koreanangel92 Report | 08/03/2010 8:56 pm
I never told you I got a new cardigan o_o
I'm browsing through B&N website for books. I'm excited to order so many books! ><
Augh sorry I haven't texted you back
I actually haven't been using my phone much. Lazy slash tired? IDK
As you know technology and I are not bffs
so I think it's good for me to be away from technology as much as possible.
Not all like 13th century, but you know. Like cellphone and laptop?
I haven't been using much of either. Hence you don't see me on MSN and such.
Ah I don't even know what I do in a day, before it's all over.
I'm stressed and tired. If I feel not so tired, I must call you and rant about my life
Sometimes typing away on a keyboard just isn't enough.
I might e-mail you. I actually enjoy e-mailing. Oddly.
Send me an e-mail sometime randomly ^^
I think I will respond more to those than text messages lol
koreanangel92 Report | 08/03/2010 8:55 pm
I never told you I got a new cardigan o_o
I'm browsing through B&N website for books. I'm excited to order so many books! ><
Augh sorry I haven't texted you back
I actually haven't been using my phone much. Lazy slash tired? IDK
As you know technology and I are not bffs
so I think it's good for me to be away from technology as much as possible.
Not all like 13th century, but you know. Like cellphone and laptop?
I haven't been using much of either. Hence you don't see me on MSN and such.
Ah I don't even know what I do in a day, before it's all over.
I'm stressed and tired. If I feel not so tired, I must call you and rant about my life
Sometimes typing away on a keyboard just isn't enough.
I might e-mail you. I actually enjoy e-mailing. Oddly.
Send me an e-mail sometime randomly ^^
I think I will respond more to those than text messages lol
koreanangel92 Report | 07/27/2010 7:57 pm
Dear Restyn,
How are you?
It feels odd. I haven't talked to you in SO long. I've been on MSN and such, but you haven't..
or you just seem busy!
Anyways, I need to talk to you about the trip. I have many things to tell you.
Augh so I came back pretty recentlyish lol. I was exhausted.
Sorry I haven't been able to text you. I didn't check my phone much. I just realized how was your trip?
Did you fall in the water? biggrin
Augh I'm so stressed. I don't like being a senior at all. I have so much to do. Why does applying to colleges have to be such a pain?
Oh and did I tell you about my exbff?
I must soon if not. It was her birthday. Oh and the thing is my bff is like still friends with her and blahblah.
Too long. We must talk soon dearest.
koreanangel92 Report | 07/18/2010 2:37 pm
LOL my awesomeness (:
I got new shoes today! They are SO GORGEOUS <3 I am pretty much in love.
I like how you said "daily dose of me" lol
How am I still the basic girl? That doesn't sound too fun o_o
I wanna be lol (:
Augh maturing. Doesn't that mean I'm getting old? I actually dread the thought of aging.
I also got a new dress too biggrin It was all for NYC, so I feel a tad bit better about going lol
Today was dreadfully hot-___- I think I'll send you a picture of my dress and shoes and this cardigan thing I bought.
Lalalala I hope you have fun in that place. It sounds really lovely. i would love to go and push you in the water biggrin
Should I eat an ice cream bar? I've been craving it but it's pretty much like 200 calories for just one x.x
I hate counting calories ): You're so lucky.
Oh btw, when are you getting married? Get married soon! I want to go to a wedding.
OHHH you should make it a destination wedding. It'd be quite wonderful biggrin
I'll tell your future gf how evil you are and such, and maybe she'll still love you lol
Anyways, I must depart now.
koreanangel92 Report | 07/17/2010 7:47 pm
Hi butt.
I know you adore our little essays to each other. I mean why wouldn't you? It's quite entertaining.
Oh today, instead of watching Despicable Me, I ended up watching Inception.
It was SUCH a good movie! You should watch it sometime.
You might like it, it screws with your mind lol
When are you coming back?
I know you're going to miss me SO MUCH. I will try to be on MSN randomly to see if you're on and if so, I can probably chat with you.
But I'll most likely be on at night, since I'll be busy just running around doing stuff during the day.
I'm actually not so excited for NYC. Until last year, I loved the fast paced, city feel. But I think my personality has changed a bit, don't you think?
I like the calmness more now. So I'm looking forward to just being at the beach, with no pressure to do anything.
Oh I might e-mail you! Just because I can biggrin
And I do like e-mails. It's sorta like this thing, and I can ramble as much as I want lol
Restyn, you should write me a poem, about my awesomeness.
Just something you can do while you're in the wilderness or that weird county I won't mention so some creep can't stalk you.
Anyways, my sister is bugging me to give her the computer, so I shall talk to you later biggrin
Sorta, kinda, not really hate you <3
koreanangel92 Report | 07/15/2010 9:16 pm
So from all that you wrote, the one that jumped out to me was:
"You're old and decrepit, and falling apart."
HOW AM I FALLING APART?-__________- One day, I shall bite you.
I think he's a douche, as well. Funny thing is...well I'll just tell you later (:
I must confess darling, I enjoy being cruel to you biggrin
But yes, I do think I can be charming at times. So terrible lol
I was super nervous, but eh. I guess I did well ^-^
OH so, I'm probably going to tell you this on msn, but OMG.
I got my AP exam scores biggrin I got 4, 4, and 5. 5 being the best, I think I did pretty well biggrin
I was super happy since I thought I was going to get 3s on all of them.
Augh I was suppose to leave at like 12, but look at what you're doing to me! Making me stay and write this lovely little essay.
I can't believe I'm leaving next week o_o
OH ps. I'm watching Despicable Me on Sat. Super excited!
I love those little yellow things >___<
Restyn, go paint yourself yellow LOL <3
Augh so hungry, I should eat something. Anyways, I am quite a busy woman, so I shall talk to you tom, or whenever you decide to reply back ^^
I hate you, only a tad bit though.
koreanangel92 Report | 07/12/2010 9:09 pm
Shouldn't YOU be the thankful one? Allowing you to see me with my awesome future husband!
Actually, I don't even know if I will get married...
I lost hope in men-__-
Exhibit A: The jealous psycho.
Hell, I'm only 18 and I already feel like I had enough-__-
Restyn, there's no need to like obsess over me, gosh.
LOL I'M SO AWESOME >_____< jk. not really.

I haven't talked to you today! It feels odd.
Anyways, I shall tell you about my day, as usual.
I actually started this week long program thing. I was so proud to get in since I had to turn in an application and be interviewed and all o_o
Surprisingly, I was pretty good at the interview thing. I think I have the ability to turn my charm on when I want >_< ahah
Anyways, but I had to wake up super early because my dad couldn't take me any later-__- So i got like 5 hours of sleep x.x
So even though it's only 12 right now, I am SO TIRED <plus I even napped>
But I think I'm the oldest one there =_=
I was disappointed by the lack of cute guys; sigh, they were all like little children to me.
Am I old? ):
I don't like getting old. Oh and I finished a book. It was pretty good, but I think it would have been better as a movie.
LOL I think I wrote enough random crap on your profile (:
kthanksbye <3
koreanangel92 Report | 07/10/2010 8:05 pm
I really want to get married (:
And you should come with a nice gift. Like a car, or like a pony. IDK. (:
Oh so I have a feeling that that psycho could have seen your comments and went nuts LOL
gosh stop loving me so much (:
koreanangel92 Report | 07/09/2010 7:52 pm
I really. hate. your. hair.
I know you like your hair, like its yo baby or somefin
And I find it amusing when you speak all white hahaha if that makes sense (:
OH So I was thinking, when I get married and stuff, and if I sent you an invitation would you come? biggrin
<and bring a super duper awesome present?>

I might miss you a tad bit (:
Stomach growling x.x
koreanangel92 Report | 07/09/2010 7:33 pm
Hmm I think you're such a creepy creep <3
I really. really. really. want you to cut your hair. like REALLY.

Hmm actually, I look terrible with black hair, I'm sure I told you about this before.
But idk, I might want to get a lighter shade of brown?
Or maybe even auburn or wine.

I shall be in NY and SC so miss me lots (:
I might text you >_>
If you promise to not be such a grumpy old man biggrin


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All aboard the secks train!

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