The Entity of Darkness

TricksterRaksha's avatar

Birthday: 10/30

Word Wall

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charlesworthy Report | 07/18/2019 7:57 pm
thanks for the purchase! love ur avi
Alsaeida Ao Report | 05/21/2019 11:18 pm
 Alsaeida Ao
thank you for the purchased please visit my store again soon
Mysterious Belonging Report | 11/28/2018 9:00 pm
Mysterious Belonging
Bless you for buying from my store emotion_bigheart thank you so very much!~
Kalosyni Report | 10/07/2018 8:42 am
I appreciate you feeding my rampant red item addiction.
Cozy Bubbles Report | 08/30/2018 4:51 pm
Cozy Bubbles
Thanks for your purchase and enjoy your day!

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yugiohdueler Report | 08/16/2018 5:31 am
Thanks for the purchase. Enjoy
Kyra Holmes Report | 07/13/2018 4:01 pm
Kyra Holmes
Hi. Thanks for the purchase. Enjoy
Nediva Report | 07/12/2018 7:26 pm
Lady Ilithyia Report | 07/08/2018 3:00 pm
Lady Ilithyia
Thank you for your purchase, Dear~
WolfySam Report | 06/22/2018 6:11 pm
Thanks for buying 4laugh


In a dog eat dog world, I'm the T-rex with a neon colored chainsaw and matching ninja gear.

So You Wish To Know More?

It has been a really long time since I was active on this website xd
I try not to post a ton of personal information on here, so please excuse if this is less about me and more of a backstory to my time on Gaia....

That being said I am Noel [She/They/rarely He] and welcome to the deadzone that is my profile page
No, seriously, it's a deadzone. I started on this site back when photobucket was the main way to decorate your page, and....yeah...I've been too busy to update the lack of images since my return. I've grown up a on since my early 2000s forays onto this site though. I don't chat much (social anxiety to blame for that) but I promise I will eventually respond to anything you say in some way....just give me some time to work up the courage. I still very much like neon colours, weird phrases, cute everythings, and some animes, but I have also developed into the kind of person who adores creativity, [badly] defending others' right to enjoy things, and science.
I pretty much can only be found in the Runway right now (started off doing those for extra credit in my costume design class) but I hope to return to the rest of Gaia soon as I figure out how everything works now....because....again....I used to be on here a long time ago (when runway was a just starting up Arena time ago).
I used to have a couple of mules (this was actually the main mule account) but I can't remember the logons for any of them so while I used to have a ton of the OG items I had slowly gathered over time most of them are the few people I used to loan stuff out to, I'm sorry but there's little left to loan crying