Striaton City (Anime)

Triple Trouble!

Triplet Trubble's avatar

Birthday: 10/27


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Gym Battle

Gym Battle's Last Stand

Black2 White2 Cheren/Bianca Battle Theme

Striaton Trio

Rival Battle

Black and White Full Theme

Wishful Shipping

Sommelier Shipping

Shadow Traid


Striaton City (Game)


{{RPer is Female}}

{{Profile(s) under construction}}

~All Profiles based in a Alternate Universe~

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. The Grass Trainer Cilan User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Full Name: Cilan
Other Alias: N/A
Age: 19 (The Youngest Brother)
Species: Human
Race: Unovian
Gender: Cig Male
Height: 5'9
Weight: 112 lbs.
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Green
Orientation: Heterosexual
Current Residents: Straiton City, Unova
Occupation: Pokémon Connoisseur, Gym Leader (Formerly)
Voice Actor Portrayal: Jason Griffith
First Appearance: Pokémon Black & White (DS 2011)
Known Family: Chili (Twin Brother), Cress (Twin Brother)
Known Friends: Iris (Crush), Hilbert "Black" (Best Friend), Hilda "White" (Best Friend), Cheren, Bianca, Nathan, Rosa
Known Enemies/Rivals: Burgundy (Rival)
Personality: Cilan is the shy quite type, but will generally opens up to his friends. He can be a bit on the nerdy side, and is very enthusiastic with in said fandoms.
Misc. Info:

Black & White Team:

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Lvl: 12
Gender: Male
Type(s): Normal
Ability: Pickup
Items: None
Moves: Bite, Work up

User Image
Lvl: 14
Gender: Male
Type(s): Grass
Ability: Gluttony
Items: Oran Barry
Attacks: Work up, Lick, Furry Swipes, Vine Whip

Black2 & White2 Team:

User Image
Lvl: 65
Gender: Male
Type(s): Grass
Ability: Water Absorb
Items: Muscle Band
Attacks: Petal Dance, Cotton Guard, Sucker Punch, Poison Jab

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Lvl: 65
Gender: Male
Type(s): Grass/Steel
Ability: Iron Barbs
Items: Leftovers
Attacks: Power Whip, Leech Seed, Gyro Ball, Curse

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Lvl: 67
Gender: Male
Type: Grass
Ability: Gluttony
Items: Life Orb
Attacks: Rock Slide, Crunch, Energy Ball, Work Up

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
User Image

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. The Fire Trainer Chili User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Full Name: Chili
Other Alias:
Age: 19 (The Middle Brother)
Species: Human
Race: Unovian
Gender: Cig Male
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Red
Orientation: Heterosexual
Current Residents: Straiton City, Unova
Voice Actor Portrayal: Lucien Dodge
First Appearance: Pokémon Black & White (DS 2011)
Known Family: Cilan (Twin Brother), Cress (Twin Brother)
Known Friends: Misty (Crush), Tia (Best Friend), Hilbert "Black" (Best Friend), Hilda "White" (Best Friend), Cheren, Bianca, Nathan, Rosa
Known Enemies/Rivals: Cress (Friendly/Sibling Rivalry)
Personality: Chili is the fiery type out of the trio, both in temperamental and passionate. He's playful, immature, and always enthusiastic for a good fire fight. He's also reckless, prefers to fight on without think about the consequences. He does however fight for his friends and family.
Misc. Info:

Black & White Team

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Lvl: 12
Gender: Male
Type(s): Normal
Ability: Pickup
Items: None
Moves: Bite, Work up

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Lvl: 14
Gender: Male
Type(s): Fire
Ability: Gluttony
Items: Oran Barry
Moves: Work up, Lick, Furry Swipes, Incinerate

Black2 & White2 Team:

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Lvl: 65
Gender: Male
Type(s): Fire
Ability: Flash Fire
Items: Leftovers
Moves: Fire Blast, Sucker Punch, Focus Blast, Stockpile

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Lvl: 65
Gender: Male
Type(s): Fire
Ability: Sheer Force
Items: Muscle Band
Moves: Flare Blitz, Hammer Arm, Bulk Up, Rock Slide

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Lvl: 67
Gender: Male
Type(s): Fire
Ability: Gluttony
Items: Life Orb
Moves: Crunch, Flame Thrower, Work Up, Grass Knot

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. The Water Trainer Cress User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Full Name: Cress
Other Alias: N/A
Age: 19 (The Eldest Brother)
Species: Human
Race: Unovian
Gender: Cig Male
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blue
Orientation: Heterosexual
Current Residents: Straiton City, Unova
Voice Actor Portrayal: Tom Wayland
First Appearance: Pokémon Black & White (DS 2011)
Known Family: Cilan (Twin Brother), Chili (Twin Brother)
Known Friends: Misty (Crush), Hilbert "Black" (Best Friend), Hilda "White" (Best Friend), Cheren, Bianca, Nathan, Rosa
Known Enemies/Rivals: Chili (Friendly/Sibling Rivalry)
Personality: Being the eldest, Cress is both a father figure and role model to both his siblings. He can be arrogant, sometimes underestimating his opponents. Cress is as cool as they come, calm like the gentlest sea breezes. However VERY rarely his fury could come down like an ocean's typhoon.
Misc. Info: In a stroke of irony, Cress can't swim.

Black & White Team

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Lvl: 12
Gender: Male
Type(s): Normal
Ability: Pick up
Items: None
Moves: Bite, Work up

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Lvl: 14
Gender: Male
Type(s): Water
Ability: Gluttony
Items: Oran Barry
Moves: Work up, Lick, Fury Swipes, Water Gun

Black2 & White2 Team

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Lvl: 65
Gender: Male
Type(s): Water
Ability: Reckless
Item: Muscle Band
Moves: Swagger, Ice Beam, Aqua Tail, Double Edge

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Lvl: 65
Gender: Male
Type(s): Water/Psychic
Ability: Own Tempo
Item: Leftover
Moves: Calm Mind, Scald, Flamethrower, Psychic

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Lvl: 67
Gender: Male
Type(s): Water
Ability: Gluttony
Item: Life Orb
Moves: Scald, Ice Beam, Crunch, Work Up


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RavingProductions Report | 10/28/2018 11:11 am
Happy triple birthday! :3
RavingProductions Report | 12/12/2017 10:05 am
*more creepers have spawned*

No, NO, NO!!!!! *Abomasnow uses Blizzard, temporarily freezing all but one*

*a creeper is hissing, ready to blow up*
RavingProductions Report | 12/12/2017 9:58 am
*a while later*

AH! *almost attacks but realizes the brothers* Sorry! You three almost caught me off guard for a moment! For a second, I thought you would be those Minecraft mobs!

*Abomasnow and Rocky are trying to reorganize the merchandise despite most of them badly damaged* Dag nabit! *to them* Sorry, fellas! But it sounds like I've been attacked by mobs from Minecraft. Someone must have opened up a portal to allow them to invade our world... and now most of my merchandise has gone up in smoke, so I guess I have a limited edition of one held item left. >.<

Stupid creepers!
RavingProductions Report | 11/24/2017 11:14 pm
(It's all good! No worries!)
RavingProductions Report | 11/22/2017 12:54 pm
I already explained it earlier, but maybe next time... because time is money!

*a bunch of customers come by, wanting to buy the herbs* Oh, uh... excuse me! I need to go through! You touch it, you buy it!

*Rocky just growls at the crowd, but no one seems to notice*
RavingProductions Report | 11/21/2017 12:23 pm
Oh, almost forgot... the basic rainbow herbs all cost 1 BP each.

The second group of herbs cost 2 BP each.

Strawberry and banana moomoo milk both cost 600 Poke each. smile

Coffee and tea... uh, I guess you should know their prices by now. ^^
RavingProductions Report | 11/21/2017 12:19 pm
Well, I still have coffee and tea up for sale.

Next week is another selection of herbs that raise various stats. Can also be mixed with the rainbow herbs, so you can do a combination of restoring HP, curing statuses, and raising your Pokemon's stats for the duration of the battle. :3

And don't worry, they're not bitter. They're supposed to be... flavorless, so your Pokemon's relationship remains unchanged.

Six more colors on the way to raise a random stat by one level: Black, Pink, Gray, White, Silver, and Gold. Black ones raises attack, pink ups defense, gray raises special attack, white raises special defense, silver increases speed, and gold raises accuracy. But they won't be available till next week along with two new flavors of MooMoo milk.

In fact, we just manufactured strawberry moomoo milk as well as banana moomoo milk. Strawberry restores 150 HP and has a 25% chance of raising either attack or accuracy by one level. Banana moomoo milk only restores 125 HP but will raise your speed by one level. And don't worry, they're sweet drinks so your Pokemon will love them. smile

*Rocky gives the brothers some samples of strawberry and banana moomoo milk, one strawberry and one banana for each of the three brothers* Thank you, Rocky. For once, you didn't eat my merchandise. *Rocky growls and makes garbled nonsense*
RavingProductions Report | 11/20/2017 10:49 am

*summons Persian out of the pokeball... it was recently in a battle with a few wild Pokemon*

Here you go, Persian. *Persian sniffs and consumes it for 25 HP restored, then gives me a blank look. The herb was neither bitter nor sweet*

Hmmm, these kinds of herbs aren't as bitter as the ones you find from Pokemon herbalists, so my Persian seems indifferent.

*the disfigured monster rocket grunt eats a few red herbs, then looks at Cilan curiously. Nothing happens* Okay, Rocky... red herbs can't be consumed alone, you know that?
RavingProductions Report | 11/18/2017 9:59 pm
Well, I did have some new merchandise... some coffee and tea.

Oh, and I have some herbs in the first six colors: Red, yellow, blue, green, orange, and purple.

You can mix up to four herbs at a time, but one red herb can be mixed at a time because it makes the other herbs three times more efficient. I've been growing these back in Raccoon City, hehehehe.

First off... just like I mentioned a while back, coffee restores 150 HP but prevents your Pokemon from sleeping for several turns (probably five). On the other hand, tea restores only 125 but the Pokemon will fall asleep for 5 turns, so you can use the other to cancel out its effects depending if you want to put it to sleep or awaken it sooner.

And now, these herbs from Raccoon City: Red ones make any other herbs three times more powerful, green ones restore 25 HP, blue ones cure poisoning, yellow ones cure paralysis, orange ones cure burns, and purple ones awaken a Pokemon from sleeping. Mix a red one with blue, yellow, orange, or purple can prevent the Pokemon from receiving said status condition for three turns. But you can only mix up to four herbs at a time. smile

Next week, I'll have two new recovery items on sale and six more color herbs in stock. And don't worry; these herbs are not bitter, so don't worry about your Pokemon being very upset at you if they do consume these. *thumbs up*

*Rocky the disfigured human monster nibbles a red herb, but it has no effect*
RavingProductions Report | 11/17/2017 1:14 pm
(three weeks have passed instead of two due to being behind schedule, as usual)

Ah, hello again! I think I have some new items for sale, after all those crazy customers from last time, oh dear!


[i:836be1fe56]It's Tasting Time![/color:836be1fe56][/size:836be1fe56][/i:836be1fe56]

Cilan has Green Hair

A Knight in Overalls
The Legendary Trainer
The Two-Tailed Goober
Homesick Ness
Crybaby Lucas
Tales of the Underground
The Emperor of Mobius
PL2 Weegie
Snively the Great
Lenni the Boo Hunter
The Adoptable Hero
A Light Named Hope
Guardian of Time Silver
Nata the Overlander

Red Account

Rival Silver Account

Ness Account

Apollo Account

Mule Female Kristoph Account

Main Account

Lucas Account

Mario Bros. Account(s)

OC: Chibi-MarMar Account

OC: Lenni Account

OC: Lilly Account

OC: Vanessa Account

Dr. Robotnik Account

Snively Account

Mule Hope Account

Silver the Hedgehog Account

OC: Natalie Account

Tails Account