Trump Zero

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Birthday: 07/07


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I live in an almost constant state of chagrin. The world is even more of a mess than I am. I play guitar in a metal band that likes to talk smack about politics and society, between goofing off and beating the crap out of everything including ourselves. The madness is only tempered by my love, the beautiful Evil Lunastasia. We will enjoy each other and the music until the world burns. Selah.


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Marisol Take Flight Report | 09/19/2008 9:29 pm
Marisol Take Flight
Yeah, I'm back to using this account for the time being.
Evil Lunastasia Report | 09/19/2008 11:14 am
Evil Lunastasia
well, to me, your not a monster. i'll always love you no matter what!
Evil Lunastasia Report | 09/18/2008 7:17 pm
Evil Lunastasia
lol. No matter what. I'll always love you. You're not a monster. I could never hate you. You're all I could ever want. Remember that. I love you forever.
Evil Lunastasia Report | 09/17/2008 5:51 pm
Evil Lunastasia
I wanted to tell you that I love you very much! And that I missed you today!
Marisol Take Flight Report | 09/17/2008 11:08 am
Marisol Take Flight
I have. Also, I only use my Fried Eagle Mind account.
Christina The Astonishing Report | 09/16/2008 12:42 pm
Christina The Astonishing
There'snothing wrong with juggling! Why, you could still have us all, with no trouble at all! sigh. I don't mind sharing you at all heart
Commissar Lolfly Report | 09/16/2008 12:19 pm
Commissar Lolfly
I only got some parody/unserious videos on youtube and I rarely put anything on myspace. I used to record a lot though (still have a lot of songs I recorded), but my new computer has Vista and it BLOWS when it comes to audio-editing.
Marisol Take Flight Report | 09/15/2008 3:45 pm
Marisol Take Flight
Double post ftl. emo

lol @ my captcha: fng abreast. xd
Marisol Take Flight Report | 09/15/2008 3:44 pm
Marisol Take Flight
Nihilism for the win. I guess if I had to choose a religion I'd be agnostic though. I hate the term "athiest." Just because I don't believe in YOUR god doesn't mean I don't have my own beliefs.
Marisol Take Flight Report | 09/15/2008 3:43 pm
Marisol Take Flight
Nihilism for the win. I guess if I had to choose a religion I'd be agnostic though. I hate the term "athiest." Just because I don't believe in YOUR god doesn't mean I don't have my own beliefs.

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We stumble around seeking we...
I give the gift of my lie
You all hate my words but will beg more for ages
Red Gomorrah, I'll take you to bed.

From Ode To Utopiate


i have what i have. sorry there's not more.
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