` Twilight

There isn't much to say about me, I'm sixteeen, I was born in January, and I live in California. I'm a calm person, but very worried on the inside, I'm not confident or in-confident, I'm afraid of certain things but none of them involve physical pain. I'm smarter than most people, I hate short-term relationships, I'm a video game addict.
I hate the public school system I'm a democrat, a cook, and a writer. I'm horny as hell, especially
for one girl. I'm in love with that girl.
I've been called creepy. I hate weed,
but love love painkillers. I don't care
for anime. I secretly want a child.
I'm a big pessimist who wants to be an
optimist. My taste in music is considered
crap. My taste in videos games is usually
considered really good. I'm a quiet
invidual unless I enjoy your company.
Very few things honestly make me happy.
I pronounce words with double 't's wrong,
words like "cotton" and "mitten." It turns
out I had alot to write about myself than I thought.