
twilightdreamer713's avatar

Last Login: 08/24/2013 9:15 pm

Gender: Female

Location: Some hwere in my mind.

Birthday: 01/16

Occupation: Staying away from you.

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Hey......the name is Breanna, I go by Cheshra and Elizabeth(Liz). I roleplay animes a lot. I have the greatest and most annoying friends in the world that I wouldn't trade for anything. I have a fat cat named Oscar, I LOVE yaois (I know, I'm weird, another thing about me.) Kingdom Hearts is my favorite video game, I have too many animes and mangas to name that infest my mind. Music is the perfect escape, my Zune Josie (yesh, I named it.) is one of the most depressing mp3 players you'll ever see. I love cookies. New friends are cool, just don't piss me off. I'm a really simple person, yet I'm extremly complicated. It's kinda said. By the by, just because I love yaois doesn't mean that I'm gay. I'm straight. I just find yaois completely cute.

Love is like a fariytale that could never end for the people who find the truest of it all.
I'm alone in this world. Never to find the one I truely love.
Say you'll never leave me alone in this painful world of hate and destrution.I'm dying from the pain of lossing you.

Have you ever felt like you were the lest wanted person in the world and felt like there was no one there for you to turn to? Your the nightmare that everyone says should have never been born. I feel the blood that runs through the loss of love. I've seen the pain it can cause, and yet I don't cry. I don't look. I don't scream. I just turn and run from it all.


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TwilightHeartless Report | 06/09/2009 7:25 pm
Dont personally believe it, but what the hell. I always enjoy a chance to piss others off.


scroll down and read all of the directions


u better read this!!!! PLEASE

ok i know u hate this when people send you stuff like this but trust

me i mean trust me i will never lie too any of u....this stuff is

freakin scary its sooo crazy and it works but u have too belive in

it.. soo good luck lates



here just do it

most people aren't sure of what they really want in life.

I received

this letter from a friend on the computer, did what it told me to, and

within a week, everything I had wished came true!! Here's an exact







To yourself, say the name of the only guy or girl you wanna be with 3 times!



Think of something you wanna accomplish within the next week and

say it to your self 6 times!!



If you had 1 wish what would it be? say it to yourself 9 times!!!



Think of something that you want to happen between you and that

1special person and say it to your self 12 times!!!



Now, heres the hard part! Pick only 1 of these wishes and as you

scroll down focus and concentrate on it and think on nothing else but

that wish.

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Now make one last & final wish about that one wish that you picked.

After reading this, you have 1 hour to send it out to 15 people, and

what you wished for will come true within in one week!

u only get one chance!!!!! Now scroll down and think of your


Keep going


Keep going

Keep going


Keep going



NinteyDegrees_South Report | 03/29/2009 3:35 pm
My life is soooooo dramaaaaaaatic.
serpentine_awesomeness Report | 02/15/2009 5:37 pm
OMG! I thought u were dead r something! u havent been on in forever! I got myself a kick-butt avi, but nothing other thanme and Queen Raoki started an RP (Role play) together. What's been keepin u off gaia?
Omni_Mane Report | 11/21/2008 3:11 pm
Hi hun been awhile
sidokue Report | 09/08/2008 3:38 pm
lol I got it at the web it says I like that site!
AdmiralPKK Report | 07/06/2008 9:39 pm
Need Advice or just chat PM anytime.
Omni_Mane Report | 07/06/2008 6:19 pm
If friendsd are suppose to be forever then what do you call someone who slams the door in your face when you need them the most.
sidokue Report | 06/03/2008 3:26 pm
u are the koolest person i know lol try to put a comment on my post in fourms i dunno how u will find it but oh well pm me for god sake!


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Don't kill the worried girl that was lost for life until found by you. She need's you, and you need her. Don't let her leave. She'll be all you have left one day.


I'm alone in this world. Never to find the one I truely love.

Say you'll never leave me alone in this painful world of hate and destrution.

I'm dying from the pain of lossing you.