
I'm Gavin Masters I'm 18 and have a twin bro named Gage. I live in Michigan with my Mom and my Brother. I like playing these online games and listening to music and watching tv. also if there are any hot girls out there my bro and I are looking.

Food:I like Sweets, gotta love those addicting pieces of candy coated chocolate with the M's on them! Lol. I also have a deep affection of spicy stuff. Mexican is awsome.

Likes: Music. Video games, sleeping and playing Guitar

Dislikes: people who ask the same question over and over and over again! It drives me insane and I don't like it so If i answer a question once that's the answer your gonna get every other time you ask it!

Best Friend: Gage. He is like my left arm! I can't leave home without him!

Favorite Color: Wine Red.

weird facts about me: I am a lefty, I like Pocky and wasabi peas, I like those dumb Geico commercials my favorite one being the Piggy who went Wee!! all the way home. and I don't use gooey crap on my hair!