
Well, I guess i should tell you a little bit about me!
My favorite colors are red or brown!
I'm 19 years old
I have a bad case of Catoptrophobia,
which is a phobia (NOT A FEAR),
of mirrors!
But only at night!
I also LOVE the movies and music!
I could sit and watch movies all day!
My favorite holiday is Christmas of course!
And I'm allergic to the world!
I think I'm quite a character!
A little weird, but hey, who's not!
I'm also very impersonal!
I love to read and write;
not poems or anything,
I like essays!
I'm very into family stuff,
but i love to hang out with my friends too!
And that's it for now,
cause you already know enough!
peacee ; )

P.S. if you want to make me a fancified profile, go for it! ; )
I won't complain!


Viewing 8 of 8 friends


Twisty's Insights **

Etreme Rambling Alert;
proceed with caution!

This is basically evrything i feel like talking about, which may not be that interesting at all, but then again, you never know! Maybe you share some of my opinions, maybe you don't! Who really knows!? But I enjoy to share my thoughts, and whether yo


Viewing 10 of 15 comments.


Report | 04/03/2009 1:02 pm


O.o I feel terrible! I'm sorry I didn't comment back but I just got back to Gaia. I was gone and got kicked off the internet for a while....so im back... sad sorry.

Report | 02/17/2009 9:56 am


You haven't had a comment in a while, so I thought I'd leave one for you.

Hi, I like to read essays too. Is that weird?

I also read scientific journals, but I just like reading in general. I'm not much of a writer anymore.

I can write essays well though.

Also, I like your avi.

That is all.
Mirus Diligo

Report | 06/25/2008 9:39 pm

Mirus Diligo

go to my journal and take the QUIZZY! if you haven't already. lol User Image
Mirus Diligo

Report | 06/19/2008 1:17 pm

Mirus Diligo

lol, no need to be sorry for your "Delay" lol I'm doing quite well myself - i decided to change my avatar. I'm bored.
Mirus Diligo

Report | 06/19/2008 12:14 pm

Mirus Diligo

Hey you - how are things going?
Mirus Diligo

Report | 06/18/2008 7:19 pm

Mirus Diligo

Whoa! That's incredible! - what are you taking in college? medical, journalist? or what? law? Wow...18 already eh?

I have not yet experienced the college life - I might ask you a couple of questions here and there, i mean, if that's alright with you. User Image
Mirus Diligo

Report | 06/18/2008 6:49 pm

Mirus Diligo

speaking of profiles. lol what do you think of mine?
Mirus Diligo

Report | 06/18/2008 6:48 pm

Mirus Diligo

lol. Happens to me all the time. I'm glad to hear from you. So, what grade are you in? I know you're 17, are you a senior in high school now?

Oh, and I'm Amy, by the way - pleasure meetin' you. *shakes hand*
Mirus Diligo

Report | 06/18/2008 6:02 pm

Mirus Diligo

i saw you at towns - tried to catch up with you, but then you left. Your avatar caught my eye - and your about me seems interesting - it's different from what others would put. You seem like a pretty cool person to me - mind chatting sometime?
A l l y  A p a t h y

Report | 02/25/2008 6:34 pm

A l l y A p a t h y


thankies :]]


User Image

sleepless nights and endless days
mini-skirts and serving trays
waking up from rain delays
and selling sex for pocket change
i'm living off the alcohol