
UberHornygirl's avatar

Gender: Female

Location: Texas


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My real name is Hope. My last name is nunya. I'm a 25 year old Uber lesbian who lives in Texas the least lesbian friendly state in the Union. I'm a nympho to the point that doctors consider it a medical condition. Anyone who feels the need to comment on said condition should shut up. I have an over active hormone generator or some s**t like that and even so I still have only had sex with women that I truly care about. Also, I used to hate all males. I've been working on it recently but it's still not advised to PM randomly if you are a male, and still definitely no cyber requests from males. Also don't PM me complaining about my "unreasonable hate for males." Trust me it is not unreasonable. My life has sucked and it is because of a big lot of D-bag males, but I have still managed to make something of myself because I didn't just take it lying down, and you should be thankful I'm giving the male race a second chance after what's been done to me, and after the massive chip I've had on my shoulder for nine years. For all you women who are dating, marrying or even checking out males, or thinks that one loves you, my advice used to be LEAVE NOW AND INVEST IN A d***o! Now it's simply this, be careful, and if he turns out to be one of the few Men in a world full of males, then you're a very lucky girl, and I wish the best for both of you.

If you want to know more about me or my interests, read my journals or send a pm. If you want to send a friend request, please pm first.


View Journal

Tales from the nymph...o


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BumblebeeDm13 Report | 09/28/2012 9:05 pm
i thank you for visiting my page. -takes hat off and puts on my chest as i bows- have a good day, ma'am.
LilElfSecret Report | 06/21/2012 2:55 pm
Then you have nothing to worry about.
Amorous Wildling Report | 07/20/2011 7:53 pm
Amorous Wildling
*grins at the comment below*
Darn, I was hoping to be a first-time stalker for you lol
Just wanted to say hi since I dropped by
The Lovely Naru Report | 11/07/2010 7:19 pm
The Lovely Naru
Im stalking your page back....
thanks for stalking mine!
ravensfury16 Report | 11/06/2010 8:45 pm
I see you're on and I'm not really sure how to talk to you XD I fail at Gaia. If you read this... join me in a puzzle room or send me a private message or something. D:
Sweet Verisa Report | 11/04/2010 7:24 pm
Sweet Verisa
Hello hunny how are you ?
JennyDK Report | 07/13/2010 3:54 am
Going to reply to our RP dear? :3
Sweet Verisa Report | 06/02/2010 10:47 am
Sweet Verisa
Oh my I really like your tips
LeoNoved Report | 05/20/2010 10:34 pm
Thanks by the way
SaraCrazyRaWr Report | 04/06/2010 5:39 pm
Hiya I'm your friend's friend and I loved reading your journals. Is it hard living in Texas?


Don't judge until you've talked to me. I'll give you the same courtesy.


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Males. Stop PMing me. I'm not going to cyber you two headed hornballs.

Kiyoshi, the only
male you can trust.