
.Uke-Mochi.'s avatar

Last Login: 11/24/2021 2:53 am

Registered: 01/01/2007

Gender: Female

Location: Canada

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Friend Tribute. Love you, Lily!

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Where Uke has been

Posts per Day: 0.06

Total Posts: 360

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Things Loved

Here lies the things that I charish and enjoy. Most of which are of the odd variety, however, some of you may agree.

I love bloody things,
I love the computer,
I love drinking (Non-alchoholic),
I love typing, the sound and the feel of your fingers against the keys.
I love candlelight and moonlight most especially.
My favourite time is sunset to sunrise. The darkness brings me safety.
I like being sick
I like staying indoors,
I like being alone,
I like not speaking,

Interest Tags

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Uke-Mochi is, simply, a teenage girl who wants to have fun in life. You only get to be young once so why not be crazy, y'know? As some of you may have been able to tell, I'm a Wicca. But, please, don't judge me by religion. Get to me before saying something bad about me, thanks. For instance, I have a friend who's a Catholic who thinks I'm going to Hell, but he's still my friend. Beliefs shouldn't ruin possible friendship.
Now, for ze 'stats'.

Uke-Mochi Adelphie.
Uke, Claudia, Ori, Biscuit.
User Image
Hair Colour;;
Dead Night Glow.
Hair Length;;
Roughly to my shoulders. Rather thick and wavy, some parts curly and poofy. It's usually held up in a ponytail with a mass amount of bangs in my face.
Eye Colour;;
Ocean Passion Blue.
Lesbianic POWER!!
Taken By Rika <3
Weird Things About Me;;
I love you? Haha, no actually. I don't. Unless your a special person. There's one thing about me. I don't really like people except for a few choice. Relationships and romance are the last thing on my mind. So hahah suckers. I have a fascination with blood and such things. For instance my thoughts of a perfect place for a date or outing is: Graveyard, full moon (Hunters) and a few black clouds going over the moon every now and then. It has to be fall with a wind to blow around the leaves. See, I'm so cool. I love 'Emo' people. They're beautiful!
Favourite Colours;;
Black, white, silver, grey, platnum.
Favourite Food;;
Fruit Salads.
Instruments I Know How to Play;;
Clarinet, Flute, Alto Sax, Piano.
Instruments I'm Learning How to Play;;
Things That Bug Me;;
People who drag their feet! GOD! I HATE IT! Also, people who don't type out the whole damn word make me angry too. Along with that, people who are stupid, and people who are too smart and rub it people's faces.
Things You Might Want To Know;;
Yes, grammar and spelling are indeed important to me. I am an emotional person and kinda Suicidal . Don't rub it in my face or use mockery, that makes it worse, you retards >:U Anywho... I don't get mad often. Around one of my friends, I've only got angry once. Supposedly, I was fumming and used quite colourful language... It was.. special. It made her feel better that I was with her, and that I was nice to her still. That's a good quality, I believe. To be angry but be able to hold it only against the person who brought the beast up. And on a lighter note. My momery sucks!
Ask me and I'll show ya! ;D
I love reading about things like witchcraft and all. Being what I am, I think that makes sense... Anyway. I have a fondness for movies like you wouldn't believe. Goddess, I love movies!
Rika is my GBFF! Fear us. For we are gay and sexy!
I'm also her backpack and blanket ;D


I love signs, and if you'd send me them, I'd love you more!

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Her Own Wicca Love

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Wicca Love

What say ye?

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CREEPY WOOD Report | 02/12/2007 5:46 pm
Hey Ori-Kun


Can't rape the willing!

<3 Toodles! XD

And remember children! KAIBA RULES!
Belle Laide Report | 01/21/2007 10:30 am
Belle Laide
Love the pictures in your profile!
Kairi_Jenn Report | 01/21/2007 5:30 am
Yeah, he's very funny.
Pimp My Toaster Report | 01/15/2007 8:08 am
Pimp My Toaster
CREEPY WOOD Report | 01/08/2007 4:02 am

Im cold. Come over here and be my blanket! >_< XD

Love ya,

[-]TrepidationProvoker[-] Report | 01/07/2007 6:43 pm
Nice change of your avater's looks. o-o Now it's purple. xD
.Uke-Mochi. Report | 01/07/2007 4:18 pm
You know it ;D
CREEPY WOOD Report | 01/07/2007 3:36 pm
Hey Sexy ;D Thanks for the comment
[-]TrepidationProvoker[-] Report | 01/06/2007 7:07 pm
Well, thanks. ^_^ But yours is still very nice. Truthfully, I dig the color pink. <_<;;
[-]TrepidationProvoker[-] Report | 01/06/2007 1:47 pm
Lies. Yours is better than mine.
Personally, I think yours is pretty adorable, with the hat and pink hair.
Mine is just... -=Ponders=- Dunno..

Pixalized Footsteps

Oh em gee, donate?
Blink with wide eyes[/size:8f6a77f781]


My name is Uke-Mochi Adelphie! Call me Uke, please!