
Konichi wa, watashi wa Jazz desu (I hope that's right)
Hi, it is like so totally as awsome as a posome that you are like reading this, I would just like to say a few things about me, I love to draw and write, and some day you shall be reading my book and you'll be like "This is like the awsomeist book that ever Awsomed!" and you'll look at the author and you'll say "I like so totally know her, that is so cool!" and you'll be begging me to sign your book and I'll be like "Hmm, let me see" and I stand there and think for a second and you give me a big puppy dog face and I cave and sign it for you, and you're so exited that you jump up and down and give me a big hug and of course I return the hug in a back braking squeeze (you know what thats like Heather) but you're to exited to care and you run out into the street holding your book up in the air yelling "LOOK LOOK , Jazz signed my book, I'm like the luckiest person in the world!" and I don't sighn my books for just anyone, but I took pitty on you, but you should want me to sign your books cuz' I'll be like the biggest thing since J.K. Rowlings, and when I'm dead and gone it will be worth like a bagilleon dollars on ebay and every one will want it, anywho other than that some of the things I would like to do in life would be to go to Japan, I don't know why but I think its like so cool! oh and it would be so cool if I could learn how to speak Japanese to! and one day I would like to go to the mall with my friends whereing a chicken costume with pink chaps and go to the food court, stand on one of the tables and start singing "If you're happy and you know it!" Okay now people I'd like to meet, well J.K. Rowlings of course, and then Yuu Watase cuz' she's like my favorite manga artist, and Kira Knightly cuz I love pirates of the caribean! And now my totally crazy dream that will never come true! like playing Ginny in the sixth HP movie! (Alanna and Kayla know why)anywho that's all I have to say, Bye!


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The insane ramblings of Ukkiyo

Hello, I'm Ukkiyo, I'm just goning to right stuff that I have done, and post drawings =D



Viewing 4 of 4 comments.

x_Lunar Nitemare

Report | 11/24/2007 6:07 pm

x_Lunar Nitemare

thx 4 buying from my store ^_^

Report | 12/27/2006 1:13 pm


your welcome ^-^

Report | 11/22/2006 9:42 pm



Report | 10/10/2006 3:54 pm


yeah first comment! I like your profile! The thing that rocks about it is the background! cool


The beavers are coming...