
Sex; plox
Sexuality;Still a mystery
Origin; From the other F**king end of the rainbow b***h.

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Okay so I guess it's about time I write something that actually pertains to me, rather than rant.
Well first off I go by Cotton on and off the internet. At the moment it is 2:02am so please excuse any grammatical mistakes.
I am currently working on a profile, but I'm still getting a hang of coding.
Just recently started Rping again @___@ since in like for ever.
Anyways I am an adolescent, wise beyond my years or so they say. I really have no plans for my future other than the fact that I know I want to go to collage.
I absolutely love my cello, >>; I've named him Fabio. Yeah I'm an orchestra dork. I love to draw and doodle, mainly sketch, though I don't really plan to follow art as a major career in my life.
You could say I'm a pretty depressive person, but most of the time I seem jolly enough. Music moves my soul, it's the only thing that ever really gets to me. Off of the internet, I guess I'm a pretty busy person. I have a knack for house work, cooking and I'm good at construction. By this point you can probably tell I'm also not very organized, <<; I'll fix that, sorry. I have a pretty pessimistic mind set accompanied by a happy demeanor. I'm misanthropic, as in very anti-social, at least off of Gaia I am. Not really one for conversations with others.
I procrastinate like there will never be a tomorrow and its sad, in a sense anyways. I dislike emo, I dislike labels, I hate wannabes, and pretenders. I love sarcasm, and << I love jerks.

I'm single, have been for quite a while. I blame my standards though.
In life I'm looking for a sparing partner rather than a hug buddy. Some one who won't let me win by default and will put up a fight. I know it's weird, but I'm not exactly the definition of normal.
I don't really have a favorite color and if I had to pick I'd pick monochrome, because of the simple fact that I love grays, blacks, and whites. Aside from that I love the rainbow, if I could rainbow-fy my closet let me tell you I would *__*

I can't really think of much more now, but I guess all I can add now is, get to know the real me. Drop me a line >> or at least I think that's the phrase you use.

Can you see? Can you tell? Could you possibly comprehend?
That I'm DIEING inside. I'm rotting away, I'm festering as this hate and this spite consume me.

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Viewing 12 of 24 friends


Cottons Journal*

The pages in life keep on turning

Let us all live a fantasy because life is a tragedy



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Soleil et Lune

Report | 09/19/2010 9:20 pm

Soleil et Lune

<3 Cotton ish made of candy~

Report | 08/22/2009 2:14 pm


Hey!! ^_^ how have you been? =]
Mizu Kamiya

Report | 07/18/2009 3:07 pm

Mizu Kamiya

Hi again =D

kyaa like your new avi look
Soleil et Lune

Report | 06/12/2009 11:16 pm

Soleil et Lune

when your not around I miss you smile
Soleil et Lune

Report | 05/26/2009 9:41 pm

Soleil et Lune

hey there love smile
Soleil et Lune

Report | 05/02/2009 10:00 am

Soleil et Lune

<3 xD
Soleil et Lune

Report | 05/01/2009 10:09 pm

Soleil et Lune

well I could say your a horrible person... no... that would be a lie
Soleil et Lune

Report | 05/01/2009 10:02 pm

Soleil et Lune

your amazing in my eyes
Soleil et Lune

Report | 05/01/2009 9:48 pm

Soleil et Lune

you deserve to be flattered
Soleil et Lune

Report | 05/01/2009 9:43 pm

Soleil et Lune

no your too good to me xD


[img:6efac049fc]http://i366.photobucket.com/albums/oo109/Cotton-Mochi/avi art/Cottonanglecopy-1.png[/img:6efac049fc]
On hiatus from gaia.