
Rest well,
|| Morgan-Marie, 15-11-05. ||
Too well loved to be forgotten.

User Image

My dearest friend, if you don't mind
I'd like to join you by your side.
Where we can gaze into the stars,
And sit together, now and forever.

For it is plain,
as anyone can see,
We are simply meant to be.


Viewing 3 of 3 friends


Viewing 10 of 17 comments.

kitsch object

Report | 04/22/2007 6:39 pm

kitsch object

Heeeey Xave.
Just in case you EVER get back
PM me, 'kay?
We'll have coffee, Mr. Insomniac. ^^
Whispers Of The Forgotten

Report | 05/17/2006 10:18 am

Whispers Of The Forgotten

Not really, I'm a friend and its your JOB? you know that clingy and smothering aren't very attractive qualities...
kitsch object

Report | 05/16/2006 3:43 pm

kitsch object

And it's my job to smother Xavers.
I'm just clingy because I don't wanna lose him again, you know?
kitsch object

Report | 05/16/2006 3:00 pm

kitsch object

Who are you to call me crazy?
Hm? What's your name?
Whispers Of The Forgotten

Report | 05/16/2006 12:24 pm

Whispers Of The Forgotten

Oh anyway I Xave nice profile, you should check out mine, I'm sure you'll like it
Whispers Of The Forgotten

Report | 05/16/2006 12:23 pm

Whispers Of The Forgotten

tisk tisk, your really crazy sammi give the guy some room to breathe -_- I know people can be crazy but wow....just wow
kitsch object

Report | 05/09/2006 3:04 pm

kitsch object

-covers in kisses-
infect kids

Report | 04/30/2006 12:32 pm

infect kids

Your profile + that song = Love.
I love that song too much for words.
kitsch object

Report | 04/27/2006 1:06 pm

kitsch object

I got new hair.
But I'm keeping it this time.
It cost me a lot. Well, for someone's who's only made a thousand gold once.
Unfortunately [xm]

Report | 04/27/2006 4:12 am

Unfortunately [xm]

I like the new look,
but changing your hair AGAIN?
By Jove, love. xP