
Read this if you wanna be my "friend".
Haha dont think you know me ... that pisses me off so ******** much! Haha no really it does. And if were friends and you hit on me I swear to you I will delet you. I HAVE A ******** BOYFRIEND! I come on here to talk my problems away ... not to be another little slut. I may seem harsh ... thats because I am ... I speek my ******** mind and if you have a problem .... oh well I dont give a s**t! Another thing ... dont call me beautiful, pretty, or anything in that group, I only put my picture up here for my friends I rarely get to see so just dont ever go there. I love my frineds and my music ... thats it. If my pictures bother you I wont care, I put them put there to show how im feel.

DONT JUGDE PEOPLE!I'm not a virgin so I must be a whore. sad

I'm white, so I must not be able to say, *****, s**c, beaner, w*****k..but I am called cracker or redneck.

I'm skinny, so I must be bulemic.

I'm emo, so I must cut my wrists.

I'm black, so I must be on welfare.

I'm Hispanic, so I must be dirty.

I'm Asian, so I must love math.

I'm Jewish, so I must be greedy.

I'm gay, so I must have AIDS.

I'm a girl, so I must not be able to play or interested in sports.

I'm a lesbian, so I must live in San Francisco.

I'm Arab, so I must be a terrorist.

I'm a single mom, so I must be a slut.

I'm old, so I probably cant drive.

i'm quiet so i must be a b***h.

I'm overweight, so I most likely have a problem with self control.

I'm religious, so I must shove my beliefs down your throat.

I'm republican, so I must not care about poor people.

I'm democrat, so I must not believe in being responsible.

I'm from the south, so I must be white trash.

I take anti-deppressants, so I must be crazy.

I'm a man, so I only want to get into your pants.

I'm a woman, so I must think irrationally.

I'm Irish, so I must have a bad drinking problem.

I'm Indian, so I must own a 7-11.

I'm Native American, so I must dance around a fire screaming like a savage, or be apart of a gaming casino.

I dont live with my child, so I must be a dead beat dad.

I'm athletic, so I must be stupid.

I'm a prep, so I must eat and breathe Abercrombie and Fitch and Hollister.

I'm a teenager, so I must drink and do drugs.

I drink so something must be wrong.

I'm a cheerleader, so I must be a whore.

I'm a punk, so I must do drugs.

I'm young, so I must be naive.

I'm rich, so I must be a snob, conceided.

I wear black, so I must be gothic.

I'm blonde so anything that comes out my mouth shouldn't matter cause im just a stupid ditz.

I'm white, so I must be a nagging, steal your money kind of girlfriend.

I'm a loud girl so i must be a jackass!

I'm a black so i must steal your money

I'm black so i must be a badguy

I'm Confident, so I must think I'm all that

I'm failing math so I must not care about doing my work

I'm loud so I must be obnoxious

I'm not a virgin so I must be a whore

I'm a virgin so I must be a tease

My boyfriend's a jerk so so am I

My girlfriends a b***h so I'm a jerk

I'm a guy and I have a high voice so I must be gay

(grl) All my friends are guys so I must just like the attention

(guy) All my friends are girls so I must be gay

I swear so I must be a bad a**

I'm pretty so I'll steal your boyfriend

I've never been kissed so I must be prude

I don't eat at school so I must be anerexsic

I eat at school so I'm a compulsive eater

I'm smart so I must be a geek

I'm in love so I must be naive

im quiet so I must be insecure

Bottom line is that stereotypes are wrong, and the only way we can get rid of them is to make people aware of them! If you agree that predjeduces and stereotypes are wrong. Repost this, with the title that best fits your mold! And make others aware (oh and if you know any other stereotypes please add to the list
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And my wonderful Sonny!
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Viewing 12 of 34 friends


disturbed_beauty's Journal

opening up to you

i will write poems and alot of other stuff


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 02/01/2009 12:56 am


Ever heard of dyscalculia? It's "math dyslexia". Google it! Or check out... dyscalculiaforum.com - dyscalculia.org - wikipedia
Limitless Love

Report | 11/04/2007 6:44 am

Limitless Love

Unloved's FTW.

Nice name.

Report | 10/28/2007 3:19 am


hey wats up?? long time no seen..

if u dont know who am i.. my previous name was kladex..

i hope we can talk more..

hey i invite u to my profile and to see the new upgrades that are at the bottom part of the profile..

well see ya.. ill talk to u later!!

Report | 12/30/2006 11:49 pm



Report | 10/06/2006 3:16 pm


hello i like the profile and i love ur list

Report | 08/02/2006 7:39 pm


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You have gotten the WERE stamp of approval.
Princess Iskander

Report | 07/17/2006 8:31 am

Princess Iskander

Random comment! RAWR! domokun

Report | 07/06/2006 6:09 pm



Report | 06/23/2006 4:04 pm


Acuma the Angel

Report | 06/21/2006 8:18 am

Acuma the Angel

OH MY GOSH!!...Peanuts. o.O;