
[ NOTE: I am a User Played Character! I am not affiliated with Gaia in any way, and am still in the application process for the Official UPC Movement! If you're curious what it is, please visit that link, as it explains it better than I could hope to! ]

Within the past few months, Kiasal Montana has blown us all away with her saucy charm and her classy good looks. Today, Gaia Fashions is proud to bring you a transcript of an interview with this hot new fashion sensation.

Jacob: Hello, everyone! I'm this interview's host, Jacob, and with me is the lovely Kiasal!

Kiasal: Hello, darlings!

Jacob: For those readers who don't yet know you, how about giving us a little introduction of yourself?

Kiasal: laughing slightly You mean there's people who don't know me yet? Oh well, ever so, darling. My name is Kiasal Montana, and I am a model, as you well know. I'm 25 years old, and my measurements are a secret! giggles

Jacob: And who is this that you've brought with you?

Kiasal: holding up her puppy This is Shawn! I've had him for about a year now, and he goes everywhere with me! He's a full blooded Mochi. Isn't he just adorable?

Jacob: Amazingly so!

We'll start with the basics. Where are you from?

Kiasal: I was born on the simply fab-ulous Isle de Gambino.

Jacob: What was your life like growing up?

Kiasal: I guess you could say I was your typical Gambino child. I was born to a fisherman father and a very loving full-time mother, along with a sister and a brother. My siblings didn't really try to grow out of the fishing lifestyle (I hear they're some of the top fishers in Gambino now), but I was always attracted to the Gambino Hat Store and Gambino Outfitters. I just loved seeing all the pretty colors and feeling the won-der-ous fabrics there, not to mention trying on pretty much everything in the store? laughs

Jacob: So, you began modeling at a young age then?

Kiasal: Oh, heavens no. My parents wanted me to be a fisher, like the rest of the family was. I eventually ran away when I was about twelve or so. After that, I more or less drifted around, doing small runway shoes for unknown fashion artists until I hooked up with a simply a-maz-ing scout from Scouts for Gaian Fashion, who saw my potential. I've been modeling for them ever since!

Jacob: What's it like being a model? What's your average day look like?

Kiasal: Oh, it's simply fab-u-lous, darling!

I generally wake up at 6 or 7 each morning. I have a breakfast that's planned weekly by my dietitian, and then head over to the gym to exercise. It takes hard work to keep such a beautiful figure like mine, darling!

After that, it depends on if I have a show or photoshoot or not. If I'm free, I usually hit the beach or go shopping. On days when I have a show or a photoshoot, it's travel, an hour or two in dressing and makeup, and then the show or photoshoot itself, which can take anywhere from an hour to several hours.

Jacob: Do you prefer runway, or print?

Kiasal: Print, definitely! I get to have copies of the pictures, and they always look fan-ta-stic, darling!

Jacob: What's the most challenging part of being a model?

Kiasal: It may sound strange, but being out in public is! Since you're a model, people look up to you to know what to wear. I have to spend a lot of time making sure I look absolutely perfect when I leave home. It can get stressful, sometimes.

Jacob: Your fans are curious to know more about you. What do you like and dislike?

Kiasal: Hmm. I'd have to say that the beach is a definite like for me. I love just splashing around for hours on end, it's so relaxing! I enjoy fashion, obviously, and I absolutely adore people! They're so cute and funny. I could just eat them up!

Speaking of food, I'd like to say that I absolutely love the specialty desert of the Cafe de Gambino, the "Crashing Waves Sundae". For those who don't know, it's a wonderful blend of vanilla ice cream, blueberries, and whip cream. laughing My dietitian always fusses at me after I get one, though!

Jacob: That's just about all the time we have for today. Any final words to your fans?

Kiasal: Of course! I'd like to thank all my darling fans! Without your support, I wouldn't be where I am today! I can't even begin to thank you guys enough!


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Dressing Room Journals

Locked away in a single drawer makeup stand is a small red diary. A quick look would dismiss it as some sort of misplaced object -- such a thing belongs to a three year old, surely. But, upon opening, the name "Kiasal Montana" shines in silver ink.


Viewing 10 of 14 comments.

UPC Andy

Report | 04/13/2008 2:01 pm

UPC Andy

NPSC Tracey

Report | 02/24/2008 11:09 am

NPSC Tracey

Shawn! I like that name. ^_^
NPSC Tracey

Report | 02/23/2008 9:50 am

NPSC Tracey

I see that you LOVE being a NPSC Model, you have sense in style. xd
I love your puppy. ^_^ What's his/her name?
NPSC Freddie

Report | 02/22/2008 12:22 pm

NPSC Freddie

N'awww, thank you! ( n w n )
UPC Huckabee

Report | 02/22/2008 8:39 am

UPC Huckabee

Well aren't you a clean, sensible example of good society now~!
NPSC Tracey

Report | 02/21/2008 2:52 pm

NPSC Tracey

Not at all. ^_^
Yes, yes, biggrin so how's being an NPSC going? ^_^
NPSC Freddie

Report | 02/21/2008 2:33 pm

NPSC Freddie

Thank you for adding me! <33
Rei Charon

Report | 02/20/2008 1:20 pm

Rei Charon

Thank you very much for adding me as a friend Miss Kiasal! *salutes*
I'll do my best to keep you safe should the need arise!
UPC Harmony

Report | 02/20/2008 12:58 pm

UPC Harmony

Ohwow, a model wants to be my friend. : O >w< So kool! I need to go tell Rina! *runs off*
*runs back* I nearly forgot to introduce myself! X_xU My name's Harmony. : D
NPSC Tracey

Report | 02/20/2008 12:36 pm

NPSC Tracey

Why, hello there! I don't beilive we've met, my names Tracey. smile