
I don't have a cool layout. I don't care. (:

I like to make other people happy, so I donate when I can. Ask and you shall receive.

I would deck out my avatar in fun clothes, but that would involve effort, and I am extremely lazy. d: I use the stuff I get from daily chances and events instead.


-- being in love
-- "coincidences"
-- books/movies that make you think
-- happy/warm-fuzzy feelings
-- good deeds/kind people
-- money
-- activism (esp. of the environmental variety)
-- food
-- sleep
-- cute animals
-- cute things in general
-- bright colors
-- Lisa Frank/Pucca/Sanrio/San-X stuff
-- that feeling of relief right after I go to the bathroom after I've been holding it in a long time
-- being able to sleep in late but waking up early anyway after a good night's rest
-- learning about other cultures
-- bubble wrap
-- pretty people
-- hula hooping
-- photography
-- routine (in moderation)
-- warm towels fresh from the dryer
-- clean sheets
-- selling things
-- making lists and checking things off
-- when a really huge pimple FINALLY pops (esp. on its own)
-- naming things
-- that excited feeling right before a convention ("con jitters")
-- little boys' singing voices
-- growing my hair out
-- narwhals
-- Rube Goldberg machines
-- tuning forks


-- being lazy
-- germs/slimy doorknobs and anything related
-- money
-- my parents
-- apathy about environmental issues
-- physics class
-- being excluded
-- not feeling as smart as other people
-- hunger
-- feeling tired at a time when I'm not able to sleep
-- anxiety/depression
-- stickers
-- talking on the phone
-- not being able to change something unpleasant
-- wasting time
-- wet socks
-- when people fight over silly things
-- bad grammar/spelling
-- homework
-- not being able to check anything off a list
-- clutter
-- procrastination
-- feeling useless
-- being uncreative and unoriginal
-- not being able to get in touch with someone when I have an urgent message for them
-- scams
-- running
-- having no use for something but keeping it anyway because I think I might need it someday
-- that hurting feeling in my chest whenever someone does something kind for me (like I feel guilty or something, even if i repay them. wtf is up with that?)
-- Mobius strips
-- canned laughter


Viewing 11 of 11 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Lord Sunshine Dust

Report | 11/25/2007 1:27 pm

Lord Sunshine Dust

Awww, thank you. <3

How are you doing?

Btw, you seem really interesting. :B

Report | 08/02/2007 10:37 pm


Lol...I was reading your page and we are a lot alike but anyway Lucky Star does rule! thanks for the comment.
Eau de Mistrolat

Report | 07/17/2007 10:31 pm

Eau de Mistrolat

*gives you sushi* :3

Report | 07/05/2007 7:44 am


aaaaaand I just spelled that incorrectly


Report | 07/05/2007 7:43 am


eee! I love narwhales!

I used to have a stuffed animal one ^ ^

Report | 07/05/2007 5:40 am



narwhals are teh pwnzors

: D

i wrote a paper about them in biology
[chelsea chan]

Report | 06/23/2007 4:51 pm

[chelsea chan]

What a coincidence!
lntricate Simplicity

Report | 04/23/2007 5:14 pm

lntricate Simplicity

I was searching to see who else had my nick... and... I found you. So, hi. :3
Sovereign Dip

Report | 04/13/2007 9:46 pm

Sovereign Dip

Would you kiss me XP
Nemo eats noobs

Report | 04/10/2007 5:13 pm

Nemo eats noobs

I luf teh Narwhals tew @-@