
Vaedana's avatar

Last Login: 03/01/2011 5:26 pm

Registered: 06/17/2005

Gender: Female

Location: Knoxvegas


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End the world and let me die.


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Whatever I feel like.


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deathcabapc Report | 11/18/2007 12:03 am
ok............ so i remember the weekend at your aunt's heezie fosheezie lol you said you could never find the original version of kelley's "let me borrow that top"........... my friends and i were screwing around late tonight and found it!!!!!!!!!!! made me think of you! ENJOY!!
Belgarath257 Report | 09/20/2007 4:38 am
so we just giving up on the rp thing then? s'no biggie.

howz life wit u?
deathcabapc Report | 09/10/2007 7:47 pm
guess who'll be in k-town next weekend?!?!?!

your's truly..... i'll give ya a call
SoulReaverDemon Report | 08/24/2007 8:19 pm
No.. I will dominate
LunadeaWolfen Report | 08/19/2007 4:18 pm
Ooh so lame-ness! I will defeat you! Muahahaha! ^.^ *wag*
SoulReaverDemon Report | 08/18/2007 6:47 pm
well, you should get your own account..
SoulReaverDemon Report | 08/15/2007 2:00 am
I shall be the one at the top... for now atleast.

Hey freak, I'm glad you are finally playing WoW...
LunadeaWolfen Report | 08/10/2007 4:48 am
Hey! E'ree 1 ish keelin' ovr joo!!! (Or atleast scrambling to the top of your comment list. =P)

Sorry... no sleep. ^.^


(Now who will conquor me? *wag*)
Hitara Manitou Report | 08/06/2007 4:55 pm
cat's pajama's? do cat's even wear pajamas? hmmmm? anywho, i love you 2 chick! lol. hope you stay for a while its been over a year since i saw ya!!!
Belgarath257 Report | 08/03/2007 8:08 am
You seem to have forgotten again. do you need me to re-send it?

No one will ever change this animal I have become.