the grift

Out With The Old
Yo! And welcome to my joint.
I am Valentino Turned, ya mugs.
I've been shattin' on my uppers for a couple of months now.
So I came to chisel the case dough outta my baby sister, see.
And if any of yous don't like it you can go climb your thumb if yas know whad I'm say'n... Capiche?

In With The New

Welcome ta my joint. The name's Valentino, ya mugs. What? Ya askin' 'bout my business? That's kinda personal. Seriously, ya really think I'm gonna divulge information about my import export business? Ya all screwy cuz that ain't neva gonna happen. Besides, I ain't confirmin' or denyin' nothin' cuz there ain't nothin' ta confirm or deny, capiche? Now get outta here, ya botha me kid.

What ya got more questions? Ya wanna know if I ever chiseled the case dough outta my baby sister? Inquisitive sucka ain't-cha. Well, that ain't none-ya business. Ya ask too many questions, that could get ya a brand new pair a cement shoes. If yas know what I'm sayin'?

Now amscray or I'll ventilate-cha!

Jaspers & Janes

xXXVampirexNekoXXx on 09/04/2024
Santino_Piazzi on 12/25/2023
tables_turned on 12/04/2023
James Esposito on 11/14/2023
Fluffy Floof on 07/31/2023
Vito Delucci on 07/14/2023
Benjamin Wormwood on 07/14/2023
Giovanni Romano on 07/14/2023
TDA_pat on 06/15/2023
Archibald McBride on 06/02/2023
Giorgio Delucci on 06/02/2023
Dino Marino on 06/02/2023
Angelo Lombardekilli on 06/02/2023
Silver Freak on 06/02/2023
NutellaTurtle on 05/07/2023
Mithmel on 05/04/2023
ChocoChipSammie on 04/23/2023
Itachi_Dango_Lover on 04/21/2023
Erin Belmont on 04/17/2023

Yours truly

valentino_turned's avatar

Registered: 09/17/2008

spill ya guts

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Santino_Piazzi Report | 05/20/2023 6:22 pm
If I knew who did it, boy would they get a tongue lashin'. But, everyone's had access to the car, Boss. It's a classic 'who done it'.
Santino_Piazzi Report | 05/18/2023 8:01 pm
Gosh, I think someone sabotaged the car! There's some kinda drink shoved in the engine. Yeah, right straight up in there!
-metal noises-
Oh GOSH! I think they might have put some of the drink in with the oil! I think I'm gonna be sick, Boss. SICK!
Santino_Piazzi Report | 05/16/2023 3:00 pm
Oh GOSH! Sorry, Boss! The car quit on me! I'm doin' my best ta fix it but.... OOooh GOOOOoooosh!! How'd that happen!? Who would stick that in there? gonk
Silver Freak Report | 12/27/2022 2:50 pm
Silver Freak
Val! What do you think you're doing!? How uncouth!
Silver Freak Report | 09/19/2022 4:28 pm
Silver Freak
*eyes sparkle and grabs a wad of cash*
Silver Freak Report | 09/17/2022 10:02 pm
Silver Freak
*squeals and hugs Val as tight as humanly possible*
You're wearing white!!! emotion_dowant
Silver Freak Report | 09/02/2022 9:23 pm
Silver Freak
*Sneaks up behind Val and sticks a rod to his back*
Now ya gonna listen, see, yeah, see. Ya gonna dos what I sayz or yas gonna be pushin' up dem daisies, see. Which isn't as pleasant as it sounds, see.
Silver Freak Report | 08/30/2022 10:41 pm
Silver Freak
Val, why do you look so angry??

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Giovanni Romano Report | 08/22/2022 6:45 pm
Giovanni Romano
Yeah Boss, undastood.
Silver Freak Report | 08/19/2022 5:16 pm
Silver Freak
*peeks up at Val from behind the pillow with a sulky, pouty face*
But you take too long and forget.
*scooches up to Val, still hugging the pillow tightly*
How am I suppose to remind you if I can't remind you?

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Here's hope'n this ain't just anotha trip for biscuits.