Wish List


vampierbabe97's avatar

Birthday: 04/17


love is and ever lasting bond that will never break i asked u if u like me you said no i asked u if i was pretty u said no i asked u if i was in your hart u said no i asked would u cry if i left u said no.........so did u grbbed my arm and said i dont like u i love u u arnt pretty ur beautiful and u arnt in my art u are my hart and i woouldnt cry if u left i would ...die......i love u babe

dats my big bro not really but he makes me feel like he is so look out u mess wit me u get him to look forward to i love you big borther

do i look sexy or wat lol

95% of teens would panic if Justin Bieber was on a 250 foot building about to jump. Copy this if you are one of the 5% who brought popcorn, a chair, and shouted "DO A FLIP!IT WOULD BE THE BEST THING YOU COULD EVER DO!"