bits and pices About me

name: Hyddie

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Blue gray

Hight: ??????? dont remember!

I have three half sisters and one step sister. ( kristal, heather, haley,and larra) I also have a brother. ( brandon )My moms name is mary and my dads name is craig. My dogs name is missy i got her for my birthday. My family has a nanny. Her name is april. shes nice.

My house has 5 bed rooms and a libary/ bed room. So that would be 6 bedrooms. my sister ( heather) moved out on the 15 of april 2008. I cant whait tell imove out!!!

My grandmother lives next door. It sucks!!! My grandfather had a strock so we have to watch him. I hate doing it.... he stinks.

My moms boyfriend has three daughters and a son. So that means when they get married i will have more sisters and brothers.

My dog missy is crazy!!! I gave her a bath today ( april 18, 200 cool and shes going crazy to get messy. Shes a long haired chawawa. I think thats how you spell it. Any way shes black.

Well i have things to do so if you want more info contact me at:


1) .... i will give you that...over e-mail