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As I've grown older, I've come to realize there's not much I'd ever want to write here. Anyone who visits it in an attempt to get to know me would walk away with nothing, a handful of scraps, shreds, and useless facts. It would be some sort of proof of my existence, satisfying my exhibitionism and your curiosity. It might even spawn a small comment tag session. But that's not what I want.

Those bits of information should be handed as something important, not public domain but things people care enough to tell someone else. And as for showing and providing points of common interest, I don't see how anyone would be able to stumble upon a profile without having common points of interest with the person they were trying to learn about anyway. If you're here, you're interested. If you're interested, you might as well get to know me in the Forums or PMs, where my thoughts and not my labels are. True, I am in a way labeling myself just by typing this, and by having a signature, and a posting style. But I'd prefer my labels to at least be some sort of emotional expression, and not just a list. There are too many lists. Besides, it's impossible to avoid some sort of label. I see no harm in denying anybody a few.

Now that I've typed that out and hit myself in the face with some hardcore irony, I will give you those plainly stated facts most people expect from a profile.

My name is William, You can call me Will.
My age is none of your concern.
I live in Ohio.


Changing media


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Tenma Curry Time Report | 01/26/2024 5:12 pm
Tenma Curry Time
Tenma Curry Time Report | 01/25/2024 2:26 am
Tenma Curry Time
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DUDE!!!!! xd Hope its a fun one this year. ^^
Tenma Curry Time Report | 11/04/2023 1:56 am
Tenma Curry Time
Hey its Juvia. Will you PM me? Gaia is glitching on me.
Tenma Curry Time Report | 08/07/2023 5:01 pm
Tenma Curry Time
Bumps! ^^ PM me sometime.
Hattey Report | 07/24/2023 5:57 pm
You're welcome!
Hattey Report | 07/21/2023 3:29 am
Love the classy noble vampire look!
Tenma Curry Time Report | 07/20/2023 3:19 am
Tenma Curry Time
Speaking of my place being haunted a bag just moved randomly.
Isoya Junichiro Report | 05/31/2023 6:23 pm
Isoya Junichiro
cool avi
Freya Report | 12/01/2022 8:18 am
I like your about me. Thought provoking!
Tenma Curry Time Report | 11/13/2022 10:28 pm
Tenma Curry Time
bump xd
Unparadox Nature

I protect and serve my Akri. No one but Simi may Touch Akri....