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Chillin by Wale Feat. Lady GaGa


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Say Hey[I love you]


Layer One: On the Outside
Name:: Vanessa
Birthday:: March 18
Current Location:: somewhere only we know
Eye Color:: Brown
Hair Color:: Dark brown
Righty or Lefty:: righty.
Zodiac Sign:: pisces
Layer Two: On the Outside
Your Heritage:: jamaican
Your Fears:: death
Your Weakness:: love
Goal:: To be happy, Not so hard.
Layer Three: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your thoughts first waking up:: ugh who invented mornings???
Your bedtime:: whenever my eyes happen to shut
Your most missed memory::cuccling with my boyfriend...ex-boyfirend
Layer Four: Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke:: Coke
McDonald's or Burger King:: Burger King
Single or Group dates:: single
Adidas or Nike:: vans
Lipton Tea or Nestea:: ewwww
Chocolate or Vanilla:: caramel smile
Cappuccino or Coffee:: BOTH
Layer Five: Do You?
Smoke:: unfortunately i have gained this habit over the summer
Have a crush:: Yep
Think you've been in love:: to many times
Want to get married:: YES.
Believe in yourself:: on rare occasions..lol just kidding. ALL THE TIME
Think you're a health freak:: not at all
Layer Six: In the Past Month
Drank alcohol:: no
Gone to the mall::lol yes
Eaten Sushi:: yes i loves sushi.
Gone skating:: ummm no
Dyed your hair:: i wish
Layer Seven: Have Your Ever?
Played a stripping game:: Yep
Gotten beaten up:: no
Changed who you were to fit in::yes,but i've learned to just be myself
Layer Eight: Getting Old
Age your hoping to be married:: as soon as i'm out of college
Layer Nine: Perfect Mate
Best Eye Color:: green
Best Hair Color:: red hehe i loe gingers
Short or Long Hair:: Either
Layer Ten: What were you doing...
1 MINUTE AGO:: eating ramen
1 HOUR AGO:: facebooking lol
1 DAY AGO:: made cupcakes with my best friend.
1 YEAR AGO:: falling in love
Layer Eleven: Finish the Sentence
I LOVE:: him too much
I FEEL:: nauseated
I HATE:: My fear(s)
I HIDE:: inner self
I MISS:: dad
I NEED:: someone to love


View Journal

vanessa_1's Journal

i would like tooo write thoughts about happpinesss ,sadnesss etc....


View All Comments

BudgieMum Report | 06/02/2011 1:13 pm
I am sorta kinda alive again...ish
rocket_willing Report | 02/08/2010 4:19 pm
Hey Vaness! Your avi is so prettu o=.
CaelestisMortis Report | 12/15/2009 12:40 pm
mmkay. I will.
CaelestisMortis Report | 12/14/2009 3:06 pm
When I have an idea I'll start a new RP... But for now... I got nothin'
CaelestisMortis Report | 12/14/2009 2:47 pm
D: I has no artistic inspiration!!! Sever writer's block. *goes and cries in corner*
Pyre_Fox Report | 12/12/2009 10:56 am
kk, guess Jack's coming back to the action, i'm really feeling in the mood for him right now anyway lol ^_^
Pyre_Fox Report | 12/12/2009 10:53 am
well where are you in the RP? i've lost track of where i am generally so i could place someone anywhere, who do you want me to play on? Jack? Gemini? Ren? or Mirabelle?
The Last Pumpkin Report | 12/08/2009 3:42 pm
Indeed, man! =D √
The Last Pumpkin Report | 12/08/2009 3:29 pm
I SO agree on the son of the Queen of Hearts! He had a fiancee, and he still wanted to help her, when he later kept with the fiancee! What was up with him? Dutchess was so ******** strange... So strange, yet fitting, for the Prince of Hearts, ney? * Hahaha... twisted * Both were evil, even if good by the end but never before in the movie. I believe that Hatter said he found hert o ehr mom, and that ending kiss was so great to see, a final kiss Alice could agree on.
The Last Pumpkin Report | 12/08/2009 3:16 pm
He rocked! And she fell in love with him, too! =D It was great when he came to find her. Not as crazy as I thought he'd be, but he really did get Alice's feelings in the end, which was good. I dun like Queen of Heart's son too much.


tis me smile
join this guild!!! ^.^


Kid Cudi-make her say

Cheese The Dairy Bandit
Haruko Jo
The Yami-chan Kitty

this is me :-)
