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Botanical Beauty's avatar

Report | 07/09/2017 5:11 am

Botanical Beauty

Kind of feel like it's been...well, forever. How have you been, B?
Just A Tad Bit Insane 's avatar

Report | 01/01/2017 5:25 pm

Just A Tad Bit Insane

"Ah ah ahh, hello old friend how are you. Arkham was a bit lonely with out big ol basty around. How about we catch up with a good game of poker. I'm back Batman HAHA"
Nindo Naruto's avatar

Report | 08/26/2016 9:55 pm

Nindo Naruto

I apologize for not being active. I've been so busy the last few months xc But, how about that Justice League RP idea you had? Where it starts off in Central City or something like that.
Femme Feral's avatar

Report | 08/22/2016 3:03 pm

Femme Feral

}{ I hope so too! lol ^^; Thank you <3
Femme Feral's avatar

Report | 08/22/2016 2:36 pm

Femme Feral

}{ Unfortunately, yeah. More so in the way that I'm so stressed I cannot think most the time. Work related stress. I'll have posts out soon, not sure when, but I will.
Sinister Scarecrow's avatar

Report | 08/21/2016 7:08 am

Sinister Scarecrow

I appreciate the sentiments, honestly anyone stopping to say they give a s**t, is reason enough to give pause. I'm still uncertain about the fate of Doctor Crane, though I may linger around until my part in the event ends just to not be a douche and screw up the flow of things. I do know I've retired Ragdoll, though Peter Merkel Jr was always only a brief science project like Penguin, and Killer Croc, they never last long. Jervis Tetch will be here forever, even if he retires into light RP and Chatterbox trolling, and because I do have a good many friends on here I'd rather not lose touch with, you being one of them. And finally the Clown Prince, I had a brief tantrum about leaving... As I sometimes do, but Quinn managed to persuade me as she often does, as well as all these newcomers casually obsessed with Leto Joker, they come and go too quickly, I've got to do my best to represent the past greats before my time, 'White Duke of Death' and 'Emperor Joker' as they've long since moved on. And of course, where would Batman be without his favorite nemesis (probably enjoying his social life more) but still, I can't bare the thought of giving up my crown as Veteran Joker lol. All in all, I may just kill off a couple profiles.
Carlos 0livera's avatar

Report | 08/18/2016 9:14 pm

Carlos 0livera

"hmmmm lets just say I have some 'trust issues' goin on with them"
Carlos 0livera's avatar

Report | 08/18/2016 1:31 pm

Carlos 0livera

"YOOO What's up Bats!? Haven't seen ya in a while man? How's the crime fighting going?!"
HarlequinofHearts's avatar

Report | 08/04/2016 6:25 pm


((I promise you, I try to respond to our rp but my messages keep crashing every time I try to send it! xp It's driving me up a wall and I cannot wait for my new laptop!))
Sector 2814's avatar

Report | 07/11/2016 3:37 am

Sector 2814

[ I'll be adjusting to Hal Jordan here soon for another guild. Does that hinder me playing the role of Mr. Strange? ]
Dysfunctional Harley's avatar

Report | 07/03/2016 9:28 am

Dysfunctional Harley

" Ahh no fair, I just need some gossip. Can't a girl be friendly hehe." The bubbly girl laughed as she watched Batman beat the hell out of the henchmen. Her blue bright eyes looked at the tall dark figure and smiled waiting for him to say " Go home" or " What do you want Harley" For once Harley didn't want trouble just wanted someone to talk to.

((Sorry about the last post, It was from my phone and I didn't have my contact's in ^.^ ))
Just A Tad Bit Insane 's avatar

Report | 07/03/2016 9:19 am

Just A Tad Bit Insane

colorpurple] The cold hearted creature had been keeping tabs on the knight crusaer for sometime now. It was time for more than a comback and even worse for revenge, the Joker had made up his mine that it was time to come out of the dead he kinda missed his true lover Batman. Before leaving to make a new name for himself, the Joker looked down into the broken glass on the ground. His dark green hair had gotten longer, his eyes glowed red with anger, and showed his teeth yellow as he smiled.[/color=purple] " Ahh it's good to be haha." Making his way into the city he stumbled into a gas station stole a pack of cigs and took the eighteen year old female manger hostage. As the two left Joker turned around took a gun out of pocket and shot the gas pumps lighting the place up in flames. Waiting in a local park on a damp bench the Joker looked next to him and looked at the young scared girl, licked the side of her face, and open the pack of cigs and lit one. " No need to be scared brat a friend of mine should be here any second then you can leave or I could just skin you alive now , maybe even have you suck me off you look like you need some pratice. " He said scaring the girl as he blew smoke in her face.
Botanical Beauty's avatar

Report | 07/02/2016 11:08 pm

Botanical Beauty

Oh how sweet of you B, I always appreciate thoughtful gifts smile of course I won't sell it! Thankyou so much, that means a lot.
Dysfunctional Harley's avatar

Report | 06/28/2016 7:37 am

Dysfunctional Harley

[colo=darkred] " Well hiya Bats, it sure has been awhile hasn't it huh? Whatcha been up too?" Harmey said as she sat on top of an abandoned car twirling her pig tails.
Botanical Beauty's avatar

Report | 06/15/2016 7:07 am

Botanical Beauty

🌿 Lovely ending, I'd post again but I wouldn't really have much to say 😂 But I imagine we'll be doing some writing together at some point in the guild 🌿
Mad Mr Hatter's avatar

Report | 06/13/2016 10:49 pm

Mad Mr Hatter

The imprisoned woman struggled unceremoniously, writhing like maggots on a corpse, unable to split the cable with her knives, she simply wavered, without mind on what to do, as if she faced an impasse. Out Jervis had raced, impatiently firing off shots at an astounding rate, praying one would hit, although determined, His shots were impaired, his eye sight hindered by the surrounding dark of the room, the dark from which Batman moved easily flowing like water. Eventually cunning Hare broke free, crawling low, spider-like approaching the hero, or at least where he should have been, and then the ceiling gave way above him, trapping him beneath the debris, legs pinned beneath the rubble as he watched Hare get rounded up, wrists locked behind her back in cuffs. In a daze, light diminishing in out, Batman came for him again, hissing uncomfortably as the debris caved around him when he was pulled free, Bats slammed him against the wall... Even taking his precious Hat, for which Jervis made a mad scramble for trying to snatch it back, instantly being put back into his place, "--The games over Tetch. The authorities will deal with you when they get here..." and the Hatter smiled, a Cheshire smile that seemed to split his face in two halves, running his thin hands through his rumpled blonde hair, he chuckled..."--Oh ho ho! More like IF they get here, Hatsy may have no more tricks, doesn't mean he'll miss his kicks... There's a whole city filled with bumps in the night Batman, certainly one has already spun themselves a plot...pray tell, how is that for a thought?" cryptic as ever, he held the heroes gaze firmly, perhaps hinting more of his story.
Botanical Beauty's avatar

Report | 06/13/2016 8:03 am

Botanical Beauty

Recovering from his accidental jump scare he put her through, she smirked and shook her head, "--You like to do that Meyers thing don't you?" playing off the name Michael Meyers from Halloween, and his ability to appear out of thin air as if one with the shadows. Settling back, she listened quietly as he continued, "--It's not over. Although, officer Frank Hill did realize that this line of profession wasn't what it was all cut out to be for him, I have these," he gruffly report, surrendered for her viewing pleasure... Or not so pleasure, documents incriminating the pair, 'Enough to put them away' "--I would have loved to get my hands on them, as would half the other women in this facility, but I suppose it's enough to know that they'll be fired and behind bars, thank you Batman... You didn't have to, but you did..." she uttered, hugging herself, eyes cast down to the floor, simply thankful it was over, a great wave of relief washing over her like a crashing tide, "--I do not allow for these things to happen, Ivy. What they have done to the others, and potentially what they could have done to you is sickening. I will... Seek justice for them Pamela, I promise..." head lifted she stepped forward, slender fingers against the glass, touching visually where his cheek would be, "--Thanks B, for everything, for them..." referring to her fellow inmates, or for stopping their tormentors, "--And thanks for the park, even if I screwed it up, I had a lovely evening out with you," flashing him one last smile, she'd listen if he wished to speak, but for now slipped back onto her cot, red haired head tipped back resting against the glass.
Botanical Beauty's avatar

Report | 06/10/2016 11:31 am

Botanical Beauty

Frank had thought he could catch the hero off guard, striking him would have only merely been the start, unsure of where his actions would have taken him next, no way he was going to prison, not for one of them! But all of that was taken away in one swift moment, Batman striking out and making short work of his clumsy attack, down on the ground, a threat wouldn't have been enough, Batman broke his wrist, horrified and in agony he cried out. Words would cease to flow out, as he simply whimpered, nursing his injured arm, Batman threatened, "--If you happen to lay a single finger on these women again, your wrist would be the least of your problems," disappearing like fluid shadows, none would be the wiser as the alarms began to blare. Meanwhile, Batman would have surely gone to inspect his next lead like the astute detective he was, alas Sharps office was empty, devoid of any life, save for a smattering of papers laid out on the desk, but a recently extinguished cigarette would betray Sharp, it was clear he had been there recently, perhaps vanished at the sound of the alarm...

Ivy waited, for what seemed like an eternity, staring outwards at the closed doors, assured Batman, Frank, or Ben would charge through, ready to mulch her, although with the leniency and compassion Batman had shown her over the course of the night, she imagined the latter. Nearly an hour had passed since B had left her, quietly she sat, slouched on her cot, even making her poor repose beautiful and graceful in some strange manner, while she waited for any sign of life, and then she heard the alarm go off. Jumping from her bed, she moved toward the glass, searching, studying for further signs of life, on edge... Strangely hoping Batman was alright, naturally she had never wished ill on the man, or his family... They simply had different opinions on what justice was and who deserved it. Crossing her slender arms over her chest, the lady waited eyes held fast on the frontwards facing doors beyond her unique cell, anxious...
Mad Mr Hatter's avatar

Report | 06/06/2016 8:39 am

Mad Mr Hatter

"--Tetch!" clearly the Bat had discovered Hare, leaving very little time, swiftly he hurried to prepare himself, "--You've gone to far this time, Jervis! I'm giving you one more chance to surrender, give up now or you'll truly see what anger does to me," from behind the panel he heard his angry howls, but still he did not appear. But still the corpse moved on, the reanimated prostitute, shuffled her way ungracefully toward the hero, shambling slowly like a baby getting the feel of walking on new muscles. Without hesitation, locked within her own dead mind, imprisoned to suffer and serve as slave and victim to the Hatter, against her will, she lashed out with razor sharp claws, swinging towards the hero, suddenly more talented and exact then first expected, as if her clumsy shuddered movements were an art form, a way of fighting like 'Drunken Master' in old Kung foo movies, as her neck, broken fell back loose against her back and side of her body repulsively. There were no words, no reasoning, but somehow deep behind those pale colorless eyes, a distant pale light bloomed, as if a small fragment of humanity clung inside, begging the hero for salvation, to snuff her out, 'free me' even as she unwittingly struck out again. While the hero was distracted, Jervis knelt down in the back gently stroking the Cats furry cheeks, looking deep into her eyes, "--He's angry, enraged, he'll hurt poor Jervis, but you're an accomplice, he'll hurt poor Chesh too. I can't bare the thought of having you forced into one of those inhumane zoos, or worse... Lost to me forever on some grave error, 'go with the Cats'" another trigger phrase? Reluctantly the feline would growl in distaste, but would willingly obey her Master, exiting the building, out into the night, heading for the single place Cats were protected in the city, Catwomans pad... Chesh frequented there, openly welcomed by Selina and her furry pals, leaving Jervis alone with Batman and his Hare. Perhaps he wasn't the right way up, hard to tell in these places, his mind and wonderland, both an ever constant jumbled mess, like a jigsaw puzzle scattered inconveniently onto the floor. Whispering under his breath madly, he cooed more to himself then anyone else, while nervously loading a revolver, "--Madness was never a crutch, it was simply a guest for Tea, but now I'm taking tea with flesh and blood, not dust and shadows. Who is it? Who is it? Tell me, tell me!" and then His Hare spoke, another of his frequent hallucinations with her, although her tongue had rotted away, certainly asking about Alice, real Alice... The young woman who had loved him and he in return, "--Clearly she has done good for you Hatter," "--Perhaps too much I fear, Hare... For the first time I'm unraveling down the rabbit hole, back into the arms of sanity, and it vexes me..." gun loaded, he stepped out from the panel and appeared in the shop, firing without hesitation several bullets in the heroes direction, Hare silent to him again... "--Alice... Real Alice needs me Batman, who else will protect her, I cannot go back... She'll be lost without me..." (( ooc: and yes there is a real Alice on here I write with, Hatter is feverishly obsessed over, and she likes him lol))
Botanical Beauty's avatar

Report | 06/05/2016 11:43 pm

Botanical Beauty

Frank was alarmed, caught off guard at the sudden violent reaction from the hero, he must've ******** known, what had the b***h said!? Dumb b***h! Should have shut the oxygen off sooner, doused her in herbicide... That always did the trick, up the dose... Kill her, ******** if he got his hands on her. 'God willing' he thought, sickeningly drawing the lord into his savage prayer, but God wasn't listening. And all he was left with was the furious hero, the beat down, his hands around his throat, the threats were enough... Though he feigned his fear, even keeping from pissing himself, until he pat him down, Frank thrashed trying to throw him off, until the hero came away with a single slip of paper, what he needed... Further evidence, rubbing the back of his head the guard panicked, Batman would see a legal document, a contract of sorts signed by Frank and Ben, and further below sanctioned in ink a signature by Warden Sharp, Ivy had warned about him being 'the worst' seems he was aware of the transgressions, and not only failed to report or stop them, but rewarded the behavior. Shaking his head Frank continued, "--Don't know what the ******** issue is, you should consider it a favor, we're on your side Bats, these crazy bitches don't deserve a second chance," foolishly, assured he was distracted, Frank stupidly lashed out trying to hit the hero out cold from behind...
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